Category Archives: Wanking

Mission Accomplished

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As Of 11 AM…

…my progress is how many orgasms? Yes, that says 64. 64 orgasms since 8:30 PM Tuesday night. My cunt both hates and loves me right now.
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Challenge Update

An update on my progress: Only 34 more to go. Numbers 35 and 36 are on video (not for public consumption). My cunt is sore. My ass is sore. My nipples are sore. I’m totally out of it and sleepy, but content. And I will continue in the morning. By the way, a special thanks [...]
Also posted in Hitachi Magic, Submission | Tagged | 4 Comments

The Great American Challenge

If you all remember, I had asked all of you kind people for pictures of your tits a little while back, and received rewards based on the number of pictures I received. I was rewarded with 28 orgasms in 24 hours, one for each individual breast. As I told you, I completed 24 of those. [...]
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Gift From A Reader

A while back, I had wanted a “Fuck My Face” necklace, and a reader had been nice enough to gift me with one. In return, I sent him pictures of me wearing the necklace. He then sent me a picture of *my* picture, covered in evidence of just what he had done when he received [...]
Also posted in Bringing Sexy Back (NSFW), Foto, With A Little Help From My Friends | 4 Comments


Most of you, if you follow me on Twitter or if you can put two and two together, have figured out that I have (fairly) recently acquired a Dom*. Well, it would probably be more accurate to say that He has acquired me.  His birthday was yesterday, and I made Him a video. It was [...]
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This is how you provide proof to someone 1,500 miles away that you really are as wet as you say you are. Please excuse the chipping nail polish and instead focus on the vaginal secretions smeared all over and stretching between my fingers. Thank you.
Also posted in Bringing Sexy Back (NSFW), Sexcapades, Submission | Tagged | 17 Comments

A Few Words of Advice

If you’re going to stay locked in your room masturbating while your brother is having a party, make sure that his friends cannot see into your bedroom window when they are outside smoking. Unless of course, you want them to see you. Which was not my intention, but there’s nothing I can do about it [...]
Posted in Wanking | 13 Comments

Britni’s Masturbation Manifesto

Advizor posted on his blog about a morning hand job with his wife, saying “Since May 1st I have had 8 orgasms with my wife, [and] zero without her… I told her that I didn’t want to “do” anything without her given my promise to stop masturbating without her.” In the comments, I asked him [...]
Also posted in Relationships, Sexuality | 12 Comments

I May Have a Problem

I cannot stop petting mah kitteh.
Posted in Wanking | 6 Comments
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