I Think It May Be Time…

…to buy the “mother” of all vibrators. I’ve never really desired a Hitachi before, but I’m starting to think that it may be time. While the toy itself is uterlly unsexy and almost medical looking, and while I’ve always felt that it seems way too strong to be used on any human being’s sensitive areas, I can’t ignore the fact that it gets fan-fucking-tastic reviews from almost everyone that’s ever owned it. This blog entry swayed me slightly as well. Plus, it’s the toy that made the founders of Good Vibes want to start their business. That’s gotta count for something.

I’m sick of killing toys, killing batteries, and always wanting stronger stimulation. At least this vibe will last for years and never need replacement batteries. There is nothing more disappointing than pulling out a toy and getting ready for an orgasm or 20, only to realize that the batteries are dead and you have no more. Talk about a fucking buzzkill (pun intended?).

And, if I so desire, I can always get all these (not) fun looking attachments. Right? Right?

So, what do you think? Is it about time that I, too, believe in magic?

While writing this entry, I came across this article which has left me pretty much in awe. And this one. I always love finding new uses for sex toys. Awesome.
This entry was posted in Awesomeness, Hitachi Magic, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Sex Miscellany. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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