Category Archives: Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery

Product Review: Alumina Revolve

I have been coveting a toy from Tantus‘ Alumina series for what seems like forever. All the pictures of them look absolutely gorgeous, and I’m a huge fan of dildos made from hard materials. I already had glass dildos, wood dildos, and stainless steel dildos; I wanted to try an aluminum dildo. And so, Fascinations [...]
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A Break From Routine

We’ve already established that I am The World’s Most Boring Masturbater™. However, the other day, something came over me, and for one afternoon, I ceased to be The World’s Most Boring Masturbater™. I decided to use more than just my Wahl! Of course, the Wahl was still a part of the masturbation sesh, because it’s [...]
Also posted in Wahl-ee, Wanking | Tagged | 3 Comments

Review: Billy Castro Does The Mission

I’ve made my love for Billy Castro very well known. I think he’s pretty much the hottest thing ever, so I was really excited when I found out that he was going to star in his very own full length porn, Billy Castro Does the Mission, directed by Courtney Trouble. Good Vibes was kick ass [...]
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What’s In Your Box?: Sapio Slut

1. I blog as SapioSlut. I am a slut. A few different kinds of slut. The first two that come to mind is an exhibitionist slut and a learning slut. Oh, and there’s a cuddle slut side too. I’ve been getting to know my inner slut – it is very fun! I’m a personal development [...]
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Product Review: Woody

Vixen Creations has quickly become one of my favorite sex toy manufacturers. I own quite a few of their toys, and my goal is to collect them all! They make stellar, high quality products, and I pretty much want everything they make. So when gave me the chance to review the Vixen Woody, I [...]
Also posted in Dildo, Product Reviews | Tagged | 11 Comments

Adventures in Packing, Or, Product Review: Mr. Limpy

I’ve wanted a packing cock for a while now. I love gender fuckery in all its forms, and have always loved the thought of wearing my very feminine clothing with a cock packed underneath it. So, when gave me the chance to review a Mr. Limpy, I was psyched. Adventures in Packing: Day 1 [...]
Also posted in Miscellaneous Toy, Product Reviews, SGO, Sexuality | Tagged | 23 Comments

What’s In Your Box?: Jess Manifesto

I am Jess Manifesto, a mom, massage therapist, and fanatic about all things French. I blog my true life sex stories, my toy reviews, and my ever popular Monday Morning Hotness at Fantastically Naughty. 2. My toy collection is evolving and expanding more and more all the time. Before I started reviewing in March, I [...]
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Product Review: Just in Case

I’m in love… with a condom compact. You see, I always carry my own condoms. It used to be because a) I’ve always been a condom snob, and b) you’d be shocked (SHOCKED, I tell you!) to discover how many dudes either don’t carry any or don’t have any. But now that I’m allergic to [...]
Also posted in Product Reviews, Storage and Sex Furniture | 12 Comments

Medication Diaries: Entry 4

So, after deciding to go off Seasonique, I asked my gyno about other options. I inquired about an IUD, an option he had shot down a year or two ago. He was hesitant to give me one, discussed with me the risks, and gave me the pamphlets to take home on both kinds (Mirena (hormonal) [...]
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Pleasurists #81

Sugarlight via ModelMayhem Welcome to Pleasurists, a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days. For updates and information follow our RSS Feed and Twitter. Did you miss Pleasurists #80? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #82? Be sure to read [...]
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