
I love being restrained. There are many ways of being restrained. My wrists can be bound or pinned down. There can be a hand around my throat that holds me down, or a collar that symbolically does the same thing. My ankles can be tied. My eyes can be covered, restraining my ability to see; my mouth can be gagged, restraining my ability to speak.
I can be restrained with a variety of different things. I can be restrained with hands, rope, cuffs, ribbon, ties, scarves, blindfolds, handcuffs, chains, straps, belts, gags. You name it, it can be used. If you can think it, we can do it. There is something beautiful in seeing a woman restrained (willingly, of course). Something gorgeous about the chain that binds her, artistry in the rope that subdues her. Vulnerability can be beautiful, when there is mutual trust involved. There is nothing more intimate that the trust between Dominant and submissive. She trusts him enough to allow herself to be vulnerable to him. That is a powerful thing.

I can’t imagine the beauty that my partner must see when he has me restrained, vulnerable, and waiting to be taken.

This entry was posted in BDSM, Eye Candy, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality, Submission. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.


  1. The Promo Homo
    Posted January 23, 2009 at 1:49 am | Permalink

    Yesssss to all of the above.

    If I don't get tied up and sexed really soon I'm gonna explode… or just lose whatever is left of my sex drive… which would just be a shame.

  2. Chica
    Posted January 24, 2009 at 4:07 pm | Permalink

    Awesome choice of pics hun x

  3. Shonda
    Posted January 25, 2009 at 11:59 am | Permalink

    Uf, those pictures are unbelievable. And yes, great post!! I'm right there with you.

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