Sexy Lady

I am obsessed with Dani from A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila. Fuck Tila and her awful and forced sounding line recital and skanky outfits and stupid but horribly addictive show with more fights than any reality show besides The Ultimate Fighter (though she does seem like a genuinely sweet girl). And she does look kinda hot here:

And here:

(I’m obviously not into the uber-femmey, trashy sex symbol thing. Actually, I fucking LOVE’s Hot 100 List because there are so many real and naturally sexy women on it. Yum).

But, anyway, I want Dani, man. She is fucking adorable and hot and totally gives me a girlie boner and makes me crave some girl sex.

I mean, honestly. How do you not find her totally lickable?

And hey, she does live in Ft. Lauderdale…

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