How To Actually Buy The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift: Thinking Outside The Box

I’m a huge believer in buying things that aren’t cliche or typical. I like presents that are bought with a certain person in mind, and are anything but generic. Here are some VD gift ideas that are a little out of the ordinary, and perfect for a person like me. Etsy is a great resource for finding original, one of a kind gifts.
This necklace with a picture of a 1920s Domme flapper is awesome. It’s great for anyone into vintage erotica or BDSM in any capacity.
I also really like this piece. It’s an anatomical heart as opposed to a cartoonish looking one, and the phrase stamped on the bottom means “From the bottom of my heart.” I think it’s really cute and really different.

Here is one way to let everyone know that your woman is taken. I think it’s totally over the top and awesome.
This card is a non-traditional way to tell someone she’s yours.
I’m a huge fan of The Beatles, and I think that pretty much everyone else is, too. This decal is totally cool and would go great on the wall of almost anyone’s place.

I don’t cook, but lots of women do. And they enjoy it. If you’re buying for someone that cooks, a gorgeous vintage inspired apron is an awesome gift. I’m totally in love with this one and would actually wear it out with jeans!
A journal is something that a lot of people like, and something like this that fits her personality is a really fun gift.

These pillowcases are cool, too. You can get each of your initials and have personalized pillowcases.
And a necklace with a really inappropriate phrase on it never fails to bring a smile to my face.
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  1. April
    Posted February 2, 2009 at 1:37 pm | Permalink

    I LOOOOOVE the pillow cases. I'm totally getting them for me and Joe! Thanks for the list!

  2. Eliot
    Posted February 2, 2009 at 2:38 pm | Permalink

    Wow, great gift suggestions, Britni. My take on gift-giving is the same as yours. Oh, and I hate VD, too. :p One of the things that annoys me most about the day are the women who whine and cry about being single on said day. That sets my teeth on edge.

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