A (Short) Ode To Uncut Cocks

I like penises of all shapes and sizes, I really do. Big, small, fat, thin, cut, uncut. Really, they’re all fabulous. But there’s something about an uncut cock that just makes me so, so happy. I’ve been known to squeal with delight upon discovering that someone is uncut (Dude may or may not have laughed at how excited I got when I saw that he had his foreskin intact). Yum.

I love how easily my hand slides up and down the shaft. I love the natural lubrication that they have. I love how it feels like there’s something extra stimulating you when being fucked by one.

I’ve just recently discovered how much I love them. I used to be a little squicked out by them, just because I had no experience with uncircumcised penis. Then, I had no preference. But again, I still had very little experience with them. But now, the more I get to play with, the more I fall in love with them. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t kick someone out of my bed for lack of a foreskin, but a dude gets total bonus points for possessing one.

It’s true, I can’t lie. I prefer uncut cocks. I just think they’re absolutely fantastic.

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  1. SaNo Gravatar
    Posted May 12, 2010 at 12:04 am | Permalink

    In Europe most guys are uncut. I think I wouldn’t know what to do with a circumcised man!

  2. Nell GwynneNo Gravatar
    Posted May 12, 2010 at 12:23 am | Permalink

    I have not yet had the privilege of playing with an uncircumcised penis. Boooo.

  3. Postive SexyNo Gravatar
    Posted May 12, 2010 at 3:00 am | Permalink

    *sigh* I wish I was uncut…

  4. Saturday StevensNo Gravatar
    Posted May 12, 2010 at 4:35 am | Permalink

    Awww. No pictures?

  5. KeithNo Gravatar
    Posted May 12, 2010 at 6:34 am | Permalink

    Wow! Nice to hear someone saying they like us uncut cocks when the prevailig view still seems to be a preference for the circumcised. Don’t know why but somehow that makes me feel good. Thank you!

  6. Champagne and BenzedNo Gravatar
    Posted May 12, 2010 at 1:33 pm | Permalink

    THANK YOU for this post.

    And although you already know that I’m passionately opposed to circumcision, I think it’s only fair to say that I wish all women were as open-minded as you in this respect.

    Whether a guy’s cut or uncut is largely a result of a choice his parents made decades before he was able or willing to consent. Just accept him as he is.

  7. Ms.InconspicuousNo Gravatar
    Posted May 12, 2010 at 2:11 pm | Permalink

    I gotta agree. I dig an uncut cock. Not that my preference is overt or anything, but I think too few people (or perhaps it’s a cultural thing) give uncut a chance.

  8. Ronald10021No Gravatar
    Posted May 12, 2010 at 6:55 pm | Permalink

    I’m Jewish, circumcised, and have never seen an uncut cock (except in films).

    I’m definitely intrigued and curious.

  9. RedNo Gravatar
    Posted May 13, 2010 at 2:17 am | Permalink

    I think the bonus points should go to his parents for opposing male genital mutilation ;)

  10. AmyNo Gravatar
    Posted May 13, 2010 at 11:18 am | Permalink

    I am so there. Although I’m the opposite – my experience is limited to uncircumcised only since I’m from across the pond! Wouldn’t have it any other way though, I love a good foreskin!


  11. alanaNo Gravatar
    Posted May 13, 2010 at 1:21 pm | Permalink

    I agree %100!

  12. Mistress LilyanaNo Gravatar
    Posted May 13, 2010 at 2:56 pm | Permalink

    It’s like you took the words out of my mouth with this post. I’ve always thought the exact same thing!

  13. EvaNo Gravatar
    Posted May 14, 2010 at 4:45 am | Permalink

    Circumcision is cruel. How weird that the first thing some parents do to their baby when it’s first born, is to mutilate it. They should at least wait till the poor child is old enough to defend itself, uhm, I mean decide for itself.

    I also think that anyone who consider having the foreskin cut off on themselves or their babies need to be made aware of the fact that it does serve a purpose, it’s not just a random bit of flesh (yeah, because there’s so much random bits of flesh on the human body. Like fingers, butt cheeks, noses… ).. it’s not really a matter of what is prettier or more sexy, it’s a matter of function.

  14. Joanna CakeNo Gravatar
    Posted May 21, 2010 at 8:26 am | Permalink

    Ruf is uncut and I have been researching how the foreskin works for my other site on male personal health. It’s absolutely fascinating. Whoever is responsible for the design is amazing because the foreskin helps his penis to enter me like a rolling bearing, protecting my delicate internal flesh. Brilliant :)

26 Trackbacks

  1. By e[lust] #14 – e[lust] on May 25, 2010 at 11:29 am

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  2. By eLust #14 | Sexy by Sarah on May 25, 2010 at 11:36 am

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks [...]

  3. By Butchtastic » Blog Archive » e[Lust] #14 … get yer hotness here! on May 25, 2010 at 11:38 am

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  4. By e[lust] #14 | Life on the Swingset on May 25, 2010 at 11:45 am

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  5. By e[lust] #14 | Eden Cafe on May 25, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  6. By e[lust] #14 | Black Tea on May 25, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  7. By Elust 14 | The Blogging Slave on May 25, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  8. By e[lust] #14 | Mistress Arabella's Bombshells & Rockstars on May 25, 2010 at 6:08 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks [...]

  9. By e[lust] #14 | Mistress Arabella’s Bombshells & Rockstars « on May 25, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  10. By e[lust] #14 « The Erotic Writer on May 25, 2010 at 7:32 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks [...]

  11. By e[lust] #14 « Diary of a Kinky Librarian on May 25, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks [...]

  12. By e[lust] #14 « Domestic Bliss on May 25, 2010 at 8:48 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  13. By e[lust] – #14 on May 25, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks [...]

  14. By Vanilla-Xtract » Blog Archive » e[Lust] #14 on May 26, 2010 at 1:31 am

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  15. By e[lust] #14 « SapioSlut on May 26, 2010 at 1:52 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  16. By e[lust]14 « The Bear's Lair on May 26, 2010 at 2:59 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  17. By e[lust] #14 | Insatiable Desire on May 26, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  18. By e[lust] #14 « Beyond Xs and Ys on May 26, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  19. By e[lust] #14 « long-distance sub on May 28, 2010 at 7:35 am

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  20. By e[lust] #14 « Pieces of Jade on May 28, 2010 at 10:16 am

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  21. By e[lust] #14 on May 29, 2010 at 12:06 am

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  22. By E-lust 14 | The Spanking Writers on May 29, 2010 at 3:45 am

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  23. By E-lust 14 | Adele Haze's "Spanking Model Speaks" on June 1, 2010 at 10:11 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  24. By e[lust] #14 : Tales from the Porn Store on June 2, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  25. By The Perverted Negress » e[lust] #13 on June 6, 2010 at 5:01 am

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

  26. By The Perverted Negress » e[lust] #14 on October 20, 2010 at 1:33 pm

    [...] A (Short) Ode to Uncut Cocks Compersive Vanillas? How Fear can Lead to Understanding and Trust I am not a rapist… Mother’s Day Gift On threesomes On Friendship Playing Nice On The Swingset Tyler and Holly Give Swing Clubs Another Chance The Virgin in the Family/Do Not Enter third person Whacking For America [...]

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