What’s In Your Box?: Vanilla Kinks

  1. I am Vanilla Kinks, the voice behind the blog Not So Vanilla. I’m a semi-single Midwestern women in her early thirties who is once again trying to find her way in the world of sex and dating. My husband and I have been separated since 2006, but we ran the gamut in our relationship from monogamous, to swinging to having an open relationship. We did it all! I’m currently single, and have no regular lovers, but I’m always taking applications!

  2. My toy collection started back when my husband and I were together, and purchased our first glass dildo. It has grown in recent years, and I expect it to continue growing.

  3. I store our toys in the night stand. Not very creative, I know, but I live alone, and run no real risk of kids finding my stash. I like having my toys accessible and near the bed, so I can reach over and pull out what ever I may need at any given moment. I’ll have to develop another storage option soon because the night stand is busting at the seams!

  4. My favorites are all my dildos because I really enjoy penetration. Glass and metal are preferred because I love the smoothness and coldness they possess. While I have newer vibrators (the Lelo Ina and Elise) I usually reach for my old stand by, the Liberte.
  5. My wish list includes more restraint items, and all the Njoy toys, and a consistent lover.
If you want to submit your own collection, send pictures and answers to these questions to britisshameless at gmail dot com!
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  1. SevurdLove
    Posted February 9, 2010 at 8:39 am | Permalink

    Odd question but what do you line your drawers with? Just purchased a feeldoe for valentines hope it works out as expected.

  2. Vanilla Kinks
    Posted February 10, 2010 at 3:05 am | Permalink

    I line my drawers with soft, cotton kitchen towels. The top drawer is lined with a white towel, and the bottom drawer is lined with a red towel.

    The towels aren't the fluffy kind that way I don't have to worry about lint on my toys.

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