I would like to commend Armani Exchange, because the homepage of their website looks like this right now (click to embiggen):
ZOMG. A Valentine’s Day campaign that isn’t heteronormative! Sure, there’s a heterosexual couple, but, look! There’s a gay couple and a lesbian couple, too! Because, guess what? Love comes in many different varieties, and not just in heterosexual pairings. Normalizing LGBTQ relationships starts with ad campaigns like this, that treat the gay couples no different than the hetersexual ones.
This ad actually reminds me a lot of a shirt I own. You can click that link to see the one I own, but it looks a lot like this one:
Two thumbs up, A|X!
Thank goodness it's not just two women. I'm so over that double standard bullshit.
Woo this makes me happy!!! This totally answers my question as to what to get my bestie for her birthday. A/X giftcard ftw. I love supporting places that are open like that.
Here, here!