Three Christmas Wishes

The theme for this week’s HNT is Three Christmas Holiday End of the Year Wishes*. We’re supposed to pick three bloggers and give them “gifts” that we would give them if we had the ability to give them in real life. These can be humorous, but I’m going to make mine more serious than that. If I was some kind of good will fairy, these are the things that I would be happy to be able to give people in the blogosphere.

  1. Monkey: I wish Margaret and T a wonderful, happy, and most of all, drama-free life together. I wish for the divorce and ensuing custody battle to end sooner rather than later, with the two of them getting the custody rights they truly deserve. I wish for the drama related to the divorce and surrounding the relationship with their ex to smooth over, and for Margaret and T to move forward with their life and their family, as a happy little dyad.

  2. Eliot: I wish for you to find a job, so that you can help to support yourself and your family, and your brother, who has done so much for you. I wish for you to find success in the New Year, and I do not wish you *excess*, as I know that’s not important to you, but I wish you *enough*. You deserve it.
  3. Essin’ Em: I wish you the knee surgery you so desperately need. I want for you to be mobile again, to be able to move more easily, to be in less pain, to be less hampered by your disability. I want you to be as healthy as you possibly can, try as many different positions with Q as your kinky little hearts desire, and the ability to walk up a billion flights of stairs, just for the fun of it. No one should have to live in pain.

And, so, if I was a magical person that could help friends at this time of year, these would be the three wishes that I would grant. Happy Whatever You Celebrate, and I wish everyone the best!

*One of my recipients is Jewish, and one is an atheist, so I kept changing the name of the theme to fit the people who are receiving my wishes.

And this is our HNT photo for the week. It’s a picture of us made entirely of words from love letters that I’ve written Profligacy.

My wish for us in the new year is that we continue to grow closer, both literally and figuratively. I’m the luckiest whore in the world to have a Master as amazing as Him. He is my gift this holiday season, no ifs, ands, or buts.
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  1. theybelongtous
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 12:37 am | Permalink

    I heart you hard.


  2. Osbasso
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 12:44 am | Permalink

    I'm glad you played along this week. I think the season transcends the religious overtones at time, and we can all play the good will fairy!

    Enjoy the End of the Year/Holiday/Christmas season!

  3. piecesofjade
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 12:44 am | Permalink

    Wow…what an awesome pic. That is just incredibly cool.


  4. Amorous Rocker
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 12:52 am | Permalink

    That is one of the coolest pictures ever. So sweet. <3

    I love your wishes too. I wish the same things for those three wonderful women as well.

    Happy Holidays.

  5. Essin' Em
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 2:43 am | Permalink

    Thank you ever so much :) Hugs to you. One of my wishes went to you as well.

  6. Sa
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 5:56 am | Permalink

    I hope your wishes will come true, Britni. :)

  7. Hubman
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 8:52 am | Permalink

    Happy Holidays, Britni! Those are some very thoughtful wishes…

  8. Jess
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 10:49 am | Permalink

    That picture is amazing. You guys are adorable!

  9. Eliot
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 11:06 am | Permalink

    Awwww, I'm incredibly touched, doll. I'm even a little teary-eyed. heh

    That's a great picture, btw. My wish for you is what you wished for yourself and Profligacy.

  10. Topaz
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 2:33 pm | Permalink

    Will read when I get a chance, but for now my dear, I just wanted to wish you – both of you ;-) – a Merry Christmas, and enjoy the holidays!

  11. Ms Scarlett
    Posted December 28, 2009 at 1:05 pm | Permalink

    Those are some great wishes… and I really love that picture…. just so beautiful!

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