
Jezebel profiled the Fatshionistas today, and I found them to be totally awesome and inspiring. They are proof that you don’t have to be a size 2 to look awesome and to have fun with fashion. There are so many misconceptions regarding people of size, and one of them is that they don’t take pride in their appearance. These girls are proof that that just isn’t true. They all have killer style and it’s obvious that they take a lot of time and effort into making themselves look good. They are proud of their style and they are proud of their bodies. Just check out their pool or river or Flickr.

Style is not contingent on size. You don’t have to be thin to want to look good and to feel good. Taking pride in yourself and in the way you present to the world not only shows confidence, it creates it. The Fatshionistas call themselves the “fabulous fat girl fashion and size acceptance community,” and “community” is definitely the right word. They have a Livejournal community and a blog, as well as their Flickr pools. Not only are these women awesome for looking and feeling great about themselves just the way they are, they’re awesome for doing something to change what we think of as beautiful and stylish. Because every picture that we see of a woman of size looking great and taking pride in her appearance helps to dispel that myth that only thin women can have style and that only thin women deserve to have style.

And if all of that isn’t enough to convince you that this community rocks, this is how they describe their community: “We are a diverse fat-positive, anti-racist, disabled-friendly, multi-gendered, queer-flavored, politically-engaged community, open to everyone.” More people should be as inclusive as this community is.
Fatshionistas, from one “fashionista” to another, you kick ass.
And just in case any of my readers are interested, here are some other plus size fashion blogs: Young, Fat, and Fabulous, Too Fat For Fashion, and Frocks and Frou Frou (special thanks to Jez commenter tomatoheart for the recommendations).
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  1. alana
    Posted May 18, 2009 at 9:42 pm | Permalink

    I love what one of the comments said, “Wait, you mean fat people wear clothes? They don't just wallow around with rolls of fat covering their genitals?” I just found it really funny. I mean, are people really shocked that we fat people are capable of having style? It just seemed like Jezebel was kind of surprised.

    I also want to recommend the blogs diva look book and the musings of a fatshionista (pictured fourth down) as well.

    The most awesome part of all these blogs is the wealth of information they’re all willing to share. I’ve found some of the coolest places to shop thanks to them and recommend em to anyone larger then a size 12.

  2. Britni TheVadgeWig
    Posted May 18, 2009 at 9:58 pm | Permalink

    Thank you, Alana!

    And you're right, it did seem like Dodai was surprised to see women of a larger size wearing awesome clothes. Um, yeah. THEY EXIST. Not all fat women wear big t-shirts and sweatpants. Now if only there were more *options* for larger sized women, we could have even MORE stylish women– of all shapes and sizes.

  3. Meg
    Posted May 18, 2009 at 11:09 pm | Permalink

    As a larger woman, I can say that I have done my best to be cute and comfortable in what I wear. However, it is EXPENSIVE–most of my cutest, most flattering pieces were found at Macy's or Lane Bryant–not cheap.

    Now that I'm losing weight, I'm actually able to shop at Target (their women's department is horrible) again. That is liberating.

    I'll never be a size 2–I just want to be fit and healthy and fabulous at any size.

  4. Red
    Posted May 19, 2009 at 2:49 pm | Permalink

    So beautiful! I wish I had style like these women!! :D

  5. {{ d a n i m o }}
    Posted May 20, 2009 at 3:54 am | Permalink

    i was already teary-eyed from reading ethan mcnamee's story (i had to go back and check for his name 'cuz i don't wanna refer to him as "that third grader," as i have a feeling we'll be seeing more wonderful and inspirational things from him — but doesn't mcnamee sound like a fake name? :P ). . . anyway, i was already teary-eyed and now i'm just. . . gah! as a plus-size woman it's so easy to lose confidence just like society wants me to but your blog, and the fashionista's description of their community, have really put a smile on my face tonight. :) i'm gonna check out those links; thanks for sharing! :D

    btw, what's jezebel? :z

  6. Britni TheVadgeWig
    Posted May 20, 2009 at 8:19 am | Permalink

    danimo, Jezebel is a "feminist"/women's site that has some great writers and commenters. It's the comments that really brought me to the site. It's changed since I found it, but if you look in my sidebar, the first list of links is titled "Jezzies." Those are blogs of people that I met through commenting on the site. It's definitely worth checking out.

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