A Big Dick. That’s It

My love for Lady GaGa continues to grow exponentially. The first 40 seconds of this interview are HILARIOUS.

After watching the interview in which she said, “Maybe I have a huge donkey dick,” my love for her has known no bounds. And it just keeps getting better.

Interviewer: “…the entertainer is downright clear on what she looks for in a partner.”
Lady GaGa: “A big dick.”
Interviewer: “And what else?”
Lady GaGa: “That’s it.”

Later in the interview, the interviewer asks if she had to give up either sex, fame, or music, which one she would give up. Lady GaGa looks at her like she has three heads and says,
“That’s a ridiculous question. I wouldn’t give up any of them. I’d rather cut my leg off. I think that that question is kind of ridiculous because it reduces my ambitions to sex, fame, and [music]. To break me down into three categories like that is quite sad. I’m a complex woman.”

And the interview ends with this gem: 

“I’m really enjoying traveling the world and sleeping with really good looking people.”

I want to go out for drinks and mischief with this woman. Not only is she a crazy talented musician, she’s fucking awesome to boot.

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  1. Nelfy
    Posted May 30, 2009 at 8:35 am | Permalink

    Hee hee. I love how the interviewer keeps asking these stupid questions about marriage and kids even though she already said that she only cares about her music. Lady GaGa is awesome!

  2. Eliot
    Posted May 30, 2009 at 11:59 am | Permalink

    While I don't care for her music, I do like that interview she gave. Bloody brilliant!

  3. Daniela
    Posted May 30, 2009 at 12:42 pm | Permalink

    Good grief. If she were a man, no one would be asking her about marriage, children and promiscuity. -headdesk- It was nice how she calmly rebuked the stupid questions.

  4. Eve
    Posted May 30, 2009 at 9:07 pm | Permalink

    Simply awesome.

  5. {{ d a n i m o }}
    Posted May 30, 2009 at 10:27 pm | Permalink

    i love the calmness in her attitude, especially because i can just feel her rolling her eyes and flipping off the reporter in her mind. :P

    she reminds me so much of my college friend priscilla. they're both, as lady gaga puts it, performers "every minute of their lives." :)

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