How To Actually Buy The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift: For Sexytime

Sex toys are very popular Valentine’s Day gifts. I know this because I used to work at an adult toy store. VD and Christmas were our two busiest times. But why would you want to buy your girlfriend some crappy toy just because it’s VD themed? You wouldn’t. Get her something that she (or both of you) can enjoy all the time.
If your partner does not yet own a Hitachi, I suggest investing in one for her.

This is the ultimate vibrator for many reasons, as I have told you before.

The Njoy Purewand is another great gift.
Njoy toys are high quality and made from stainless steel. Plus, hello g-spot orgasms!
I have yet to try the Tantus Alumina series, but I’ve heard great things about them.
The two parts also unscrew and  you can buy other attachments to put on so it’s like having multiple toys in one. I love hard dildos, and this seems like a really great option. Plus, it’s different than most sex toys.
Lelo’s Bo is another great option.

The great thing about this is that it’s something that a man and a woman can enjoy together. It’s a cock ring that is rechargable and made from high quality silicone. I’ve heard great things about it.
These Afterglow Candles are something else the two of you can enjoy together.
The candles smell really nice and help set a nice mood and the wax turns into massage oil as it melts. Awesome.
And for another gift that can be used together, I am a huge fan of the Kama Sutra massage oils.
They are really nice and smooth and don’t leave you feeling really greasy afterwards. Plus, they can be poured into bath water to soften skin and create a really nice aroma in the room. The only scent I’m not a huge fan of is the Healing Blend. I think it smells like wood.
The Under the Bed Restraints are also a good bet.

They come with 4 restraints, and are great for people that don’t have a bedframe to tie restraints to. Therefore, they work on any bed, including a mattress on the floor. This makes them great for traveling with, as well.

The Liberator Fascinator Throe is a fabulous product and a great addition to any bedroom.
It’s a blanket that you put down before playtime and it soaks up any mess that you might make. Lube, oils, cum, wetness, you name it. Plus it’s pretty and looks just like a blanket sitting out, and you just throw it in the washing machine to clean it. Easy as pie. Plus, it comes in tons of great colors.
Do any of these gifts sound like something your honey would like?
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  1. The Promo Homo
    Posted January 31, 2009 at 12:21 am | Permalink

    I like the idea of the blanket one… lord knows you should own it if you don't already… haha.

    You should make a Single's Awareness Day gift post.

  2. twg
    Posted February 2, 2009 at 9:37 am | Permalink

    I need that blanket so hard. My ex is lucky I talked him into getting a mattress pad, btw. Yeesh.

    Btw, if anyone ever has "love stains" on their mattress, a little hydrogen peroxide will get those suckers right out.

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