
I make no secret of the fact that I have a thing for redheads. Some people have a fetish for ladies with red hair, while I have more of a “thing.” I’m always drawn to the pretty redhead in the room. I find that many girls with red hair wish that their was some other color, while girls without red hair long to have a beautiful auburn mane.
I remember the first time I hooked up with my ex-girlfriend. I knew that she was a natural redhead, but I had never really considered the “carpet matches the drapes” thing. She had this beautiful little tuft of orange hair down below and I looked at it with surprise and awe. “It’s red!” I blurted out. She giggled and asked what color I thought it would be. And the truth was, I had never really considered it. She later dyed it hot pink, which was fun, too. And even more of a surprise than her natural red curls.
I’m still always mesmerized by the pretty little ginger girl in any room.

One of these girls is my ex-girlfriend. Can you guess which one? It shouldn’t be too hard. And Promo Homo, you’re not allowed to play, since you know who she is!

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  1. Nolens Volens
    Posted December 24, 2008 at 7:19 am | Permalink

    Out of all possible kinds of women I've had the pleasure with, a redhead was not on the list. Just never happened. ;) I'm gonna take a guess here and say #3.

  2. April
    Posted December 24, 2008 at 9:31 am | Permalink

    I guess #3 also.

    I am not a fan of redheads. Not that they're ugly, I just don't find them to be more attractive because they have red hair. It just doesn't do it for me.

  3. Anonymous
    Posted December 24, 2008 at 2:09 pm | Permalink

    My guess is No. 3, but you're wrong.
    It's very, very hard. Just a Pavlovian response to your blog.

  4. The Promo Homo
    Posted December 24, 2008 at 2:21 pm | Permalink


    I was like, "I know, I know!" and was all about to comment and then read further… and was like "awwww.. comment cock blocked!"


    I like this post though. Considering I'm still debating if I'm into the red headed girl or not… I'm a sucked for brunettes… I can't help it!

    Posted December 24, 2008 at 10:34 pm | Permalink

    I love redheads, too, but have never had the good fortune to date one. I actually have a pretty clear predisposition towards brunettes; it's not at all intentional, but every single serious girlfriend of mine was been a brunette. I've only dated two blondes in my life and nary a redhead. I guess I need to diversify (not now, of course, since I have a current girlfriend, who would not appreciate me going off to find a redhead!).

  6. Jason
    Posted December 26, 2008 at 11:04 am | Permalink

    Beauties. All of them.

  7. Red
    Posted December 28, 2008 at 5:11 am | Permalink

    Being a redhead, I truly appreciate this post! I dig brunettes though! haha

  8. alana
    Posted January 2, 2009 at 9:25 pm | Permalink

    Of course most people haven't dated a redhead…we only make up like 5% of the population.

    I like being redheaded, but it seems older creepy guys have a fetish for it. lol

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