“I’ve discovered that the small of your back is the key to your soul.”
-Let Me In, Mike Maven and the Goodlife
There is just something about a woman’s back. The gentle slope, the curve of it that is inherently beautiful and delicate. Whether it’s the sharpness of her spine, the softness of her hips, or the way she arches it when she’s lost in the throes of passion, there is no denying the raw sexiness of that part of a woman’s body.
I LOVE to have my back touched, massaged, caressed, and kissed. My back is one of my “spots.” You know, one of those “spots” that, when touched, affects you in the best possible way. My back is insanely sensitive, and just the lightest touches send shocks directly between my legs and elicit small gasps from my lips. Kisses up and down my back will inevitably make me wet, my ass pushing back into whoever is behind me, moans escaping from my most primal place.
A man skilled at massages will have me from the get go. I am known to whine, “Baby? Will you rub my back?” at least 5 times a day. I don’t know what it is, but just being touched there relaxes me, puts me at ease, and turns me on all at the same time.
What’s your favorite part of a woman’s body?

I would have to say it's a mixture: my back, my collarbone/shoulders and my neck and jawline.
Drives me crazy, since I'm so ticklish as well, but done with the pads of your fingers rather than the tips of your fingers, or better yet, your lips, totally gets me.
The pork chop.
my favorite part to be touched, kissed, massaged, or licked would be the back/sides of my neck down to my traps. That will do the trick for me every.single.time. LOVE IT!
However on a woman I like lips. I like them on men too, but it's different for a woman.
I love a woman's neck and ears,under the armpits(not a fetish),behind the knees and finally the bum.
With the bum I love to massage it and to run fingers down the inner thigh pulling the lips apart but not touching the pussy then back to massaging the bum