On Porn and Feminism

I received an email from a reader asking the following question:

“You often refer to watching porn so that begs the question: What type of porn do you like? What helps you get off? Girl’s taste in pornagraphy is a topic that is seldom discussed and something I often wonder about. Just what do you girls masturbate to when you’re all alone? I want to know!”

And since I love to make my readers happy, I decided that I would answer the question.
I often mention, on here and to other people, that I like porn. That I watch porn. However, I never really talk about what kinds of porn I like. And I think it is because it is kind of embarrassing to me. Usually, if watching porn with a partner, I let them pick the porn. “Whatever you want, sweetie. Your choice.” That way, I never really have to talk about the kind of porn that I watch. So why does my taste in porn cause me embarrassment?
I consider myself a feminist. I am very much for rejecting traditional gender roles. And while I have come to terms with the fact that I can be a bottom in bed and still consider myself a feminist (The issue I always had justifying that to myself was the fact that I am such a hardcore feminist and eschew traditional gender roles as often as I can, but here I am in the bedroom wanting to be in a traditionally feminine place: dominated, fucked, controlled. It wasn’t until I realized that not only knowing what I wanted in bed, but being able to tell my partner what it was that I wanted and allowing myself to enjoy it were purely feminist actions. And that allowed the internal struggle to end for me), I have a little bit more of a problem calling myself a feminist while watching some of the porn that I do.
Because oftentimes, the porn I like degrades the women involved. The kind of porn that I watch the most of involves two things: 1) really rough blow jobs, or 2) two or more guys on one woman. 
I like to watch porn in which the woman is simply a receptacle for the guy. She is a doll, she is there to please him. I like watching girls choke on dick, being gagged, being forced down on it, slapped in the face with it. Things like that. I like to see more than one guy taking a woman and using her for their pleasure. I guess it goes along with the kind of sex I like in my real life, but at a more extreme level.
I will also watch porn involving very fetishistic or slightly more extreme actions as well. The only porn I really, really hate is fake-looking porn. So I prefer stuff that is a little more amateur, less scripted. I like real people that don’t look like they just left the plastic surgeon’s office or jumped out of a photoshop program. I don’t have a preference for body type other than that the people involved look like real people. I also don’t really have a preference regarding race. As long as someone in the porn appears to be enjoying themselves, that is enough for me.
I tend to hate mainstream girl-on-girl porn because it is fake and stupid and totally unrealistic. I do like queer and dyke porn, and the Crash Pad Series is great for that if anyone is interested in real lesbian porn and not what the mainstream media tells us is lesbian porn.
So, I do struggle with the fact that, after everything I preach and talk about and belief in my personal life, I still watch porn that involves a man degrading a woman, a man in the dominant role while the woman is in the submissive role, a woman doing nothing but serving the man. Granted, like I said, in my real life I do take the submissive role in bed so it makes sense that I would enjoy that kind of porn, at least to some extent. It’s just something that makes me feel a little guilty.
That doesn’t stop me from watching it, though!

Now, I can’t speak for most women, just for myself. But if any of my female readers would like to chime in in the comments, please feel free! I’d love to hear your answer to the question!

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  1. April
    Posted October 23, 2008 at 12:47 pm | Permalink

    My favorite porn to watch is with one woman and more than 2 men. They're all shoving dicks in any available hole she has. Pretty much treating her like a receptacle like you said. When I masturbate, I fantasize about rape, which I'm somewhat embarrassed about. But I can't help it. I've tried to find good rape porn, but they're so fake that it doesn't really simulate rape. My ex-husband and I tried the rape fantasy and it was fucking hot! I resisted the entire time and he just kept being forceful and penetrating me. It was awesome…but I got off topic.

    Porn. Yeah, I like watching a woman be dp'd in her vajayjay. That's a HUGE turn on for me. Ok, enough of this talk. I'm at work!

  2. La Roo
    Posted October 23, 2008 at 5:24 pm | Permalink

    I pretty much feel the same way. MInus the choking on dick senario. Actually, mainstream porn can actually be a turn off because it is so fake.
    Have a good one.

  3. Britni TheVadgeWig
    Posted October 23, 2008 at 6:28 pm | Permalink

    April, I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  4. Nolens Volens
    Posted October 23, 2008 at 10:07 pm | Permalink

    You have your fetishes and I have mine. Embarrassingly simple fetishes but…hey, they're mine. ;) My wife enjoys porn too but I have NEVER thought to ask her exactly what it is she likes to see in porn. I'll ask her tonight. Hmm.

  5. Dark Damian
    Posted October 24, 2008 at 10:32 am | Permalink

    I always knew you were a freakasaurus, Ape! It's why we get along.

    I think that most people shouldn't be ashamed of what gets them off, providing that it's not inflicting actual (and non-consensual) harm on the participants, and isn't illegal. I have to say that lately, I'm digging on mature porn. Not grannies, but women in their 30s or 40s. For some reason that's very hot for me. Next week it'll be interracial anal, and maybe women getting titfucked. It's all good. Roll with what makes your jayjay happy.

    April: call me.

  6. Ms. Inconspicuous
    Posted October 24, 2008 at 11:40 am | Permalink

    Tried to comment yesterday when blogger was down *grrr*.

    I have pretty much the same thoughts/feelings about porn. The same embarrassment, even, over the kind I like to watch (rough, degrading…).

    But you have the right to choose what porn to watch just as you have the right to choose to be submissive–because it's what turns you on and gets you off.

    So it's not so much at cross purposes as maybe it would seem.

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