
In this post, I talked about face fucking, how much I liked it, and the fact that I really wanted this necklace. Well, Os found the necklace for me and another reader, Wade, was nice enough to buy it for me (Thanks, Wade!)!! Squee!
It is hard to take a good picture of it, because the text is engraved so subtley (how do you spell that?) on the necklace. And that’s my favorite part about it. It appears to be a dainty, delicate, girly little necklace, but up close, the message on it is in complete opposition to that original impression. It looks so sweet, but it’s so damn vulgar. Kind of like me!
The Bruiser (who constantly says “fuck your face” to people) and our local bartender (who told people that The Bruiser had, in fact, fucked my face before he ever had) both really love this necklace, too. And I will be getting my face fucked while wearing it very soon.
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  1. Osbasso
    Posted September 30, 2008 at 12:16 am | Permalink

    Glad you finally got it!

  2. Ms. Inconspicuous
    Posted September 30, 2008 at 12:44 am | Permalink

    I *do* have to laugh at how prim-and-proper the script is–when the action is *so* not. :D

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