
AAG posted about watching yourself get fucked in the mirror, and it reminded me of living in a certain apartment in Boston. I love watching myself get fucked in the mirror. I think it is insanely hot. I especially like it when my hair is being grabbed and my face being forced to watch it.

I used to live in a 4 bedroom apartment with 5 other girls, and there was this tiny little bathroom next to the kitchen. It was just large enough to hold a toilet, and if you stood in the middle and spread your arms, you could touch the walls on either side. There was a string hanging from a bare lightbulb on the ceiling, like you find in attics or cellars, and behind the toilet was a narrow window that overlooked the courtyard in the center of the building (and allowed people in the apartment across from us to see into the bathroom).

We put a full length mirror on top of the toilet, to cover the window. From then on, it was the sex room. I used to love to get bent over the toilet and fucked from behind while watching the whole thing in the mirror. It was the perfect little room to slip into during a party, while the roommate was busy, or even when no one was home.

Just 4 walls, a door, a toilet, and a full length mirror. All I had to do was walk in, pull the string, and shut the door. That’s all it took, and I was soaking wet with the anticipation of what was coming to me. And the knowledge that I got to watch it all happen.
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One Comment

  1. theybelongtous
    Posted July 30, 2008 at 12:56 pm | Permalink

    i am too short to be bent over and fucked like that…but i can imagine it would be fun… :)

    btw, do you have my hnt site?


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