Category Archives: The Bruiser

Fat Lip

Good to know he still lives up to his nickname. But man, that shit HURTS. EDIT: It’s gone from purple to blue.
Also posted in Foto, Marks of Passion, Sexcapades | 19 Comments

I Got Fucked

I got fucked by a man, though I hesitate to call him that. He was more like a boy. A boy that fucked me often, in both the literal and figurative sense. The former, of course, being much more enjoyable than the latter, as it usually is. In fact, the only reason that I kept [...]
Also posted in Bartender, CB, Group Post, Relationships, The Redneck | 9 Comments


I’ve always known I was a little kinky. However, I never really thought that I was more than a *little* kinky. Just the “usual:” light spanking, some bondage, choking. You know, the usual. Then, as I read more and more about BDSM, I realized that I was probably more than just a *little* kinky. Maybe [...]
Also posted in BDSM, Daddy, Sexcapades, Submission | 41 Comments

I Say Yes

“Here I come when I better go I say yes when I ought to say no… I get around.”  I didn’t even have to turn around to know that he was there. He had a schedule; Monday, Thursday, and Saturday nights. He’d be there those nights without fail. He was a creature of habit. When I started to [...]
Also posted in Self Medication, Sexcapades | 3 Comments


I have fucked one girl and two guys in less than 48 hours. It’s nice to be slutty again. Oh, sluttiness, how I had missed you!
Also posted in Her, Sexcapades | 4 Comments


Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It’s been… my entire life since my last confession. I mean, I was raised Jewish and I consider myself Atheist now, but I didn’t know where else to go and I needed to confess this mortal sin and someone told me that you offer forgiveness to those who [...]
Also posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery | 5 Comments


Sometimes song lyrics feel like they were written for you. I heard this song for the first time today while watching past seasons of So You Think You Can Dance and these lyrics immediately hit me and brought me to tears, as they were all too real for me. “I just poured my heart out there’s bits [...]
Posted in The Bruiser | 1 Comment

Joan Jett Knows How I Feel

Also posted in Culture Goes Pop | 2 Comments


I just went in the shower and screamed until my throat hurt. Then I punched a wall. I’ve never done that before. In my 24 years, I’ve never been angry enough to hit anything. I guess there’s a first time for everything. I would have preferred if it was someone’s face instead of a wall, [...]
Also posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Relationships, Soul Searching | 20 Comments


My lips (both sets) are swollen and sore. The ones on my face, especially. When we make out, The Bruiser is brutal with my mouth, like he is with the rest of me. He bites my lips relentlessly, and I absolutely love it. My lips are always so pink and puffy the day after we [...]
Also posted in Sexcapades | 4 Comments
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    PhotobucketI'm Britni, a snarky bitch and generally awesome person. I write about sex, love, and bullshit. If sex-positivity, discussions about BDSM and kink, queer issues, and topics that are completely inappropriate by society's standards make you uncomfortable, then this blog is not for you.
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    "I'm missus 'Oh my god, that Britney's Britni's shameless.'"
    -Britney Spears, Piece of Me
    "Just blame it all on me, say I was shameless.
    Say I couldn't slow it down, Let alone stop it.
    And say you just hung around, 'Cuz you couldn't top it." -Ani DiFranco, Shameless
    "I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless."
    -Lily Allen, The Fear
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