I Swear I’m Not Dead!

I apologize profusely for the radio silence on the blog lately. Work is stressful and exhausting, and Jesus and I were preparing to move. Not only that, when we didn’t have our own place, it was difficult for me to find blogging or computer time, as Jesus would get bored just sitting there by himself. We’re super excited about our new place, and actually think it will make us more independent of each other as opposed to less. We’ll not have to worry about who is where, which apartment we’ll be going to for the night, or what we’re going to do in our one room places. We have tons of space and can come and go as we please without worrying where the other person is. We’re directly behind a complex with bars and restaurants, and a gym! Which we both joined. My goal is to workout once a week on my own and to attend one yoga and one pilates class each week, at least to start. I still have my fatigue issues and have been told for years that I should exercise, so I’m trying to start.

So far, I couldn’t be happier here, even though it’s only day 4. My work commute is half as long, our neighborhood is adorable, our apartment is fantastic. We’re spending the day unpacking and organizing, and making this place feel like our home. We’ll slowly replace his things and my things with “our things” as time and money permit. I did buy us this superawesome painting for our huge living room, and our parents have said they’ll chip in to help us purchase a sectional for the room as well. We just had a vry srs conversation about where to store our sex toys, which made me smile. We are making sure to make our bedroom a sanctuary. We’ll have no TV in there, and the only things to be kept in our (small) closet will be robes, pajamas, and slippers. We’ve also been sure to keep the moving clutter out of there, so that we have our own little place of peace. It’s lovely. And we’ve decided on this headboard. There’s a small video with badly synced sound of our new place here, so feel free to take a peek. I’ll be uploading a better one once we’re more settled.

I’m also getting an IUD put in tomorrow. The Nuvaring is great for some people, and I’ve had no side effects with it, but it’s wicked hard for me to remember to take it out and put it back in. Even if I set an alarm. The pill was easy, since I just took it with all my other medications every day. But for some reason, the Nuvaring has been tough for me to get the hang of. I’ve wanted an IUD forever, so I finally got around to making an appointment at Planned Parenthood to get one. Here’s hoping my uterus doesn’t reject it!

I’m looking forward to having more time to blog again, and already have some posts in mind!

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  1. Ms.InconspicuousNo Gravatar
    Posted April 5, 2011 at 11:44 am | Permalink

    I love that painting–and it’s good to see you posting again.

  2. EveNo Gravatar
    Posted April 5, 2011 at 6:19 pm | Permalink

    Yay, you blogged! I’ve gotta say, I’m a bit jealous of your new place. It’s adorable! Pics plz.

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