Wardrobe Malfunction: Workin’ It

On the last Wardrobe Malfunction that I posted including a work outfit, Lilly commented that it didn’t look as casual to her as I had suggested it was, so I decided to post a more typical work outfit. Please excuse the oil stain on the front of my skirt. I had a small accident involving running to catch a bus and a container of pasta salad that morning, and that was the best I could do at getting the stain out via hand-washing in the sink and borrowing paying to use the clients’ drier (I had a pair of jeans in my bag to change into while my skirt dried).

Also, I apologize for the blurriness. I’m taking these pictures with the self-timer on a digital camera while balancing it on something of the right-ish height and running to the other end of the room, so this is pretty much the best I can do. Ahem.

I am wearing:

  • Teal v-neck tee, Target
  • Gray pin-striped skirt (that is actually part of a suit), Express
  • Black cardigan, Target
  • Yellow studded skinny belt, Target
  • Sequined bib necklace, Target (I think)
  • Black boots, Diba (purchased from DSW).

Much more “business casual with a Britni twist” than the last outfit I posted, which was more “casual” than “business casual.” In case you hadn’t noticed, I do a lot of shopping at Target.

On an unrelated note, I seem to have the worst luck at work EVER. I’ve had several food accidents, allergic reactions that made me look like a leper, and then, to end my week, I fell down a flight of stairs while rushing around. The resulting bruises are freakin’ narsty. I just can’t catch a break lately, it seems.

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  1. EvaNo Gravatar
    Posted November 15, 2010 at 4:33 am | Permalink

    I love how the little yellow belt matches with the other colours. It’s strange how such a little detail can change an outfit completely!

  2. alanaNo Gravatar
    Posted November 15, 2010 at 12:32 pm | Permalink

    I love target. The housewares get me far too excited and it’s where I feed my tight addiction.

  3. Dangerous LillyNo Gravatar
    Posted November 16, 2010 at 12:00 pm | Permalink

    You need a GorillaPod!! :D

    I channeled you and bought something that is outside my normal comfort range, and something I think you might buy. It’s this plain yet not sequined tank top / shell that I wear under a cardigan and it’s….sequiny. It’s so not me but wow I love myself in it.

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