You know it was a killer weekend when it involved the following:

  • Waking up surrounded by a frisbee, a dozen cupcakes, and a head of cabbage has gone missing.
  • Accidentally meeting Pandora Boxx in a club.
  • Seeing friends that you haven’t seen in years while simultaneously making lots of awesome new ones.
  • Possibly not speaking to a heterosexual person the entire weekend.
  • Watching grown people get “Iced.”
  • Failing to make it back to your apartment 3 nights in a row, and not once was it because you were getting laid.
  • Walking back to the train at 1:30 PM on Sunday after a weekend of debauchery and having your friend turn to you and say, “Look at your life, look at your choices.” To which I replied, “Ditto, darling.”

I mean, Sassy Gay Friend does know best.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, my liver will be recovering, and hopefully my blogging inspiration will return somewhere along the way.

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  1. Ms.InconspicuousNo Gravatar
    Posted August 23, 2010 at 11:30 pm | Permalink

    You met Pandora Boxx? I am so. fucking. jealous.

    How fabulous was she in person? Tell, tell, tell!

    • Britni TheVadgeWigNo Gravatar
      Posted August 23, 2010 at 11:48 pm | Permalink

      We didn’t even know she was performing (we arrived drunk and must have missed the memo)! My friend took me into some back hallway that we weren’t supposed to be in, and I guess that’s where the dressing rooms for the performers are. She walked out to head to the stage and she looked GORGEOUS and I grabbed my friend and was like, “ZOMG THAT’S PANDORA BOXX!” He had no clue who she was. She said hi and kissed my cheek and smiled and then went to the stage.

      LUV HUH.

  2. Jess ManifestoNo Gravatar
    Posted August 24, 2010 at 8:11 pm | Permalink

    Sassy Gay Friend always knows what to say.

  3. Essin' EmNo Gravatar
    Posted August 25, 2010 at 1:52 pm | Permalink

    I cannot get over that you met Pandora Boxx? I am so incredibly jealous!

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