Medication Diaries: Entry 5

Well, it’s been a full month on both of my new prescriptions, and so far, so good. There’s nothing new to report on the Wellbutrin front. My symptoms have continued to improve, and I’ve had no negative side effects.

I’m also really happy with my switch to the Nuvaring. It’s really convenient to not have to remember to take a pill every day, and I noticed no noticeable side effects. My flow was also much lighter than it was on Seasonique, and my cramps were much more mild, as well (bordering on non-existant). I find that it’s hard for me to remember when I have to remove the ring, but I’ve just taken to setting a reminder on my phone for the day I have to remove it.

It’s really nice to finally be on medications that react well with my body. You don’t notice how much your medications really affect your life until you’re on one that doesn’t work right for you. I’ll continue to document my progress with them, especially if I notice any other changes.

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  1. EpiphoraNo Gravatar
    Posted July 13, 2010 at 1:34 am | Permalink

    Really glad to hear you’re liking the NuvaRing!

  2. Outspoken CliticNo Gravatar
    Posted July 13, 2010 at 8:55 am | Permalink

    I’m really glad Wellbutrin is working for you. I tried it in addition to Lexapro (with the promise that it would make the fatigue I was experiencing because of the Lexapro go away) but it did nothing for me. I never found an antidepressant or combination that worked for me, so it’s always good to hear that other people have had success.

  3. Nell GwynneNo Gravatar
    Posted July 13, 2010 at 1:08 pm | Permalink

    No complaints with the NuvaRing so far. And as ridiculously pricey as it is (it’s not covered under my insurance) I’m hesitant about making the switch because it has one of the lowest does of horomones, and I’m scared about what a contraceptive with a higher amount of horomones would do to me.

  4. HugoNo Gravatar
    Posted July 13, 2010 at 2:51 pm | Permalink

    Many years ago, Wellbutrin did wonders for me. I was on it from 1995-97, and am so grateful it was there when I needed it. Recommending meds for anyone else is always risky, but anecdotally, it’s good.

    Hope you’re doing well.

  5. AnneNo Gravatar
    Posted July 14, 2010 at 6:04 pm | Permalink

    Hey – thanks for the tip on the Nuva-ring!
    I started it recently as well (just took out the second) and have been noting in my calendar when I should take it out and put in a new one – but the reminder on the phone is a much better idea – I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before.
    I really like it as well :D

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