Luxotiq, Indeed

I’ve long admired the beauty of the Luxotiq glass pieces, and have coveted their Athena dildo for quite some time.

Isn’t it beautiful? And just *thinking* about the g-spot stim that toy would provide makes me want to squirt! They have a ton of other beautiful glass dildos and plugs, too.

I was perusing their website the other day when I saw something I’ve never come across before. They make beautiful cock rings– out of semi-precious stones.

The beauty of these rings is almost breathtaking. I’ve never seen a review of these, or heard about anyone with experience with them. What do you guys think? Anyone out there that has tried them?

I also noticed that they make anal beads, also from semi-precious stones.

While these beads are gorgeous, I can’t seem to figure out what the string that connects the beads is made from. One of my complaints about cheaper anal beads is that they’re connected by string, which can’t really be cleaned and isn’t very at all hygienic. Does anyone know what the string on these beads is made from?

I love finding new luxury toys made from unique materials. It’s like art and a sex toy rolled into one!

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  1. AnaNo Gravatar
    Posted July 14, 2010 at 1:30 pm | Permalink

    damn, those beads are almost too pretty! Lovely toys indeed. I can’t help you though, I’ve never tried any of them…

  2. Nell GwynneNo Gravatar
    Posted July 14, 2010 at 5:19 pm | Permalink

    I WANT FIVE OF EVERYTHING, PLEASE. And frankly, I’d figure out a way to wear the anal beads because I share your concerns about strings, and those things are just too damn pretty.

  3. EpiphoraNo Gravatar
    Posted July 14, 2010 at 10:16 pm | Permalink

    I have the Athena… it actually doesn’t provide as much G-spot stimulation as you would think.

    The beads have always weirded me out. The string looks like it’s made of… string… and not anything hygienic at all. Sucks.

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