A Break From Routine

My motherfuckin' sex was ON FIRE.

We’ve already established that I am The World’s Most Boring Masturbaterâ„¢. However, the other day, something came over me, and for one afternoon, I ceased to be The World’s Most Boring Masturbaterâ„¢. I decided to use more than just my Wahl! Of course, the Wahl was still a part of the masturbation sesh, because it’s The Best Thing Ever, but I included other stuff, too.

I started with my new Alumina Revolve, which I just received to review from Fascinations. After a few orgasms using the Revolve and the Wahl, I remembered that I had a tube of the Kama Sutra Cooling Intensifying Gel that I have yet to try. Remembering my experiences with similar products in the past, instead of putting it on my clit, I put it on my nipples. So far, so good. One more orgasm down. Then, I tried the gel on my clit. HELLO, SENSITIVITY. I had a crazy intense orgasm right away.

I then decided that I wanted something more filling than my Revolve, and lucky for me, Woody was chillin’ on my nightstand. As was my lube. Fabulous. I then had several more orgasms with Woody and my Wahl. And used more of the gel because it’s kinda my new best friend.

I can’t remember I had a marathon masturbation session like that. I felt like ‘Piph! But only for the afternoon, because I’ve gone right back to being The World’s Most Boring Masturbaterâ„¢, and I’m okay with that.

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One Comment

  1. EpiphoraNo Gravatar
    Posted June 27, 2010 at 1:32 am | Permalink

    CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP. Now go back to being boring, OR ELSE.

One Trackback

  1. By Product Review: Kama Sutra Cooling Gel on June 29, 2010 at 12:01 am

    [...] my clit in gentle circles is A-OK in my book! However, being the rebel that I am, I chose to put the gel on my nipples first. That was alright. It was warming more than cooling, though. I liked it well enough, and I have a [...]

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