
If there’s one thing that I still have to get used to with Dude, it’s being called a “pig” in bed. I’ve been called everything under the sun in the bedroom: “slut,” “whore,” “cunt,” you name it. However, I’ve never been called a pig. Generally, I’m cool with whatever you want to throw at me in bed. If it gets you off and doesn’t hurt me any, what the hell. Throw it at me. As long as you respect me outside of the bedroom, call me whatever the hell you want inside of it.

The first time he called me a pig, I was kind of caught off guard, but I went with it. He likes dirty talk, and it’d all been really hot so far. He’d already asked if I was a whore, and already given me all kinds of scenarios that I would be willing to participate in if I was, indeed, a whore. Then he asked, “Are you a pig?” Yeah, yeah, sure. Whatever.

The second time, same thing.

“Are you a pig?”


“Tell me.”

(Oh, shit. Really?)

“I’m… a pig?”

(Good job, Britni. Real convincing.)

I’m getting used to it now. I’m used to him telling me to be a “good little pig.” I’m used to being called “his pig,” “a pig,” and a “filthy fucking pig.” And I’m getting much more convincing when it’s time for me to tell him that I am, indeed, a pig. We can always get me one of these if we have to.

And hey, at least he doesn’t ask me to oink.

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  1. Nell GwynneNo Gravatar
    Posted May 22, 2010 at 12:19 am | Permalink

    the guy I’m currently kind-of-sort-of-dating-but-not-really likes to call me his “orgasmic teddy bear”. I shit you not.

    • Britni TheVadgeWigNo Gravatar
      Posted May 22, 2010 at 1:44 am | Permalink

  2. AlleyNo Gravatar
    Posted May 22, 2010 at 1:48 am | Permalink

    Priceless. I totally know what you mean about saying with the questioning in your voice. I have done that a few times.

  3. complicated kittenNo Gravatar
    Posted May 22, 2010 at 9:08 am | Permalink

    It sounds like Dude is bringing out your feisty side, and you are having a blast getting to know him. I’ve only had one Dom in my lifetime call me a pig. I didn’t get very turned on by it. He adjusted over time.

One Trackback

  1. By MUFFIN on May 22, 2010 at 12:01 pm

    [...] Oh My God, That Britni's Shameless I'm nothing but a brash and impetuous girl striving to be true to myself while searching for somewhere to belong, someone to love, and a better version of me. Skip to content AboutToy BoxLinks and ResourcesWhat’s In Your Box? « Pig [...]

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