So, Epiphora, or ‘Piph, as I like to call her, loves cats. I’m not such a cat person myself, mostly because I’m allergic to them. Also, I dated this guy who had the most evil cat on the planet and when Boyfriend would leave for work in the morning, cat would run into the room and jump in the bed and scratch me and cat would chew my shoes and cat would jump on the table and knock ONLY *MY* GLASS OF WINE onto the floor and then run away. Fucking cat.
However, I promised ‘Piph that I would dedicate a post about cats to her. Since I hate cats, and can’t even find the cute in them, I decided to compromise and do a post of kittens. Because, before they become cats, they’re pretty damn cute. ‘Piph, you’re lucky I love you.
Fuckin’ cats.

Awww, cute!
I love cats. Well, I love my cat. But I’m not allergic, and she’s extremely well-behaved, friendly but not needy, smart, and fearless (she hangs out with me while I vacuum, then stalks the vacuum when I put it away instead of running for cover).
The cat with the roller needs to be ON MY LAP, NOW. Also that weird skin-covered one, and the one in the sheets that just got laid.
Can we put in requests for different animal themed posts?
Why the hell not? Go for it.
im not a cat person and yeah there cute as kittens i do admit but that it . LOL
the end of your sentence cracked me up…
Okay, well…hmm…
My favorite animals are baby ocelots, ladybugs, and baby alligators. A post devoted to any of those would be lovely.
KITTIES! I fucking love kitties and this post makes me a happy goose.
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[...] I dedicated a post about cats to Epiphora, Nell Gwynne requested a post dedicated to “baby ocelots, ladybugs, [or] baby [...]