Update: There have been more posts on this topic, if you care to read up on them.
- What the fuck, EdenFantasys?
- Problems with Eden Fantasys, Take Nine-Thousand
- A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
- Money, ethics, and real sex-positivity
- The Mamma Nazi
- Eden Fantasys: Not A Place I Trust
- EdenFantasys.com Debacle
- Community Announcement: Contributor Leaving
And, of course:
- Problems with EF
- Update on EdenFantasys.com Problems
- My Take on the Eden Fantasys Drama
- A Tale of Intriguing Timing
And more, worse, problems with EF and their ethics:
- Edenfantasys’s unethical technology is a self-referential black hole
- EdenFantasys’ Black Hole of Links
I respect any company’s right to run their business the way they see fit. However, there are times when I have to look at that company and say, “What you did is in bad taste.” There’s the “bad taste, but innocent mistake” variety of bad moves, and there’s the “no coming back from this” variety of bad moves. Eden Fantasys, I’m afraid, has committed the latter.
Most of you do not know this, but I boycotted EF for over a year. I refused to review for them or be involved with them because of the way they treated AAG and Essin’ Em. Yet, I’d heard good things about the community, and chose to hope that maybe the kinks had been worked out. I signed on.
In that time, I’ve promoted EF every chance I get. I’ve given them a great deal of business. One of you fabulous readers just spend $700 there this month with my affiliate code, and I want to kiss you for it. I contribute to their Eden Cafe blog. I just got hired doing seminars and was planning on opening a personal store of recommended items and sending the (very rich, very eager to spend money) attendees of my seminar to my own personal store to purchase the items I recommended to them– from Eden Fantasys.
A line was crossed this week, and it’s one that I think is inexcusable, and one that I do not think (at least in my eyes) there’s any way to come back from or make excuses for. Epiphora was not only banned from the community, the staff took out a separate forum thread to announce her banning and to publicly humiliate her. Piph was not given a warning. She was not given a reason for being banned, beyond the “overall negativity” that was cited in the forum post.
The way I see it, Epiphora expressed her opinion openly and honestly, and it may not have always been what the staff wanted to hear. But the point of forums is to incite discussion, disagreement included, and I saw Epiphora using those forums for exactly that purpose. I also saw her contribute valuable knowledge and advice. From what I can tell, Piph’s opinions were not popular with the people in charge, and instead of privately warning her, sending her a personal message, or discussing it with her in any way, shape, or form, the people running EF decided to publicly announce, via a forum post, that she was banned. Without first telling her, warning her, or handling it in any way.
Reasoning was not specified to Piph or the community beyond her general “overall negativity,” of which no specific examples were cited, and the “numerous complaints” that were received regarding her, again with no back up, proof, or flagged posts to back said complaints up. I am disappointed and appalled with the way EF handled this, and as a site that is what they are due to contributor participation and blogger promotion, I feel that there were many better ways of handling this situation.
As it stands, I no longer feel comfortable promoting Eden Fantasys, and every link to their website will be removed from this blog. Shame for them, isn’t it? Because if I had set up that personal store like I was in the process of doing, they stood to make several thousands of dollars based on my seminars and promotions. Looks like I’ll have to find a different site to give my stamp of approval to. I have one review left to do for them, and then I’ll be done.
Shame on you, Eden Fantasys.

Literally two days before the shit hit the fan about this, I submitted a post so I could start writing for Eden Cafe. Now I’m really conflicted about doing so, because the way they handled this situation is incredibly high-school-ish. I love Epiphora’s blog, and I think that her reviews are smart, informative, and professional.
I also now feel terrible for making a large purchase from Eden Fantasys a couple of weeks ago.
Don’t feel badly about it. At least you got some good toys out of it
Thank you for the link love and for standing up. I’m finally feeling a little more supported (always have been by you) by the community as a whole, now that this is happening…yet again.
I still trust Babeland, Good Vibes, and now of course Fascinations and our new review program. And SexToy.com with Domina at the helm. EF just continues to make me so sad.
Because if I had set up that personal store like I was in the process of doing, they stood to make several thousands of dollars based on my seminars and promotions. Looks like I’ll have to find a different site to give my stamp of approval to.
Thank you so much for your unending support in all of this. You’re rad.
I’ve avoided EF since they shared my legal name with the world (and not just mine), at the end of ’08. How they’ve treated AAG, Essin’Em, ThatToyChick, and now Epiphora suggests that I made the right move.
People are always welcome to support companies as they see fit. But I don’t support them – even though I try to avoid bad-mouthing them – and they continue to fuck themselves over with their appalling treatment of people.
xx Dee
EF sent me an email inquiring about doing reviews *literally* the day after AAG told her whole story. I had always been divided about doing any kind of reviews on my blog when I had one (personal choice–I don’t fault anyone for doing them), and her negative experience was a major deciding factor for me NOT to do it.
Bloggers, y’know, talk. You can’t really afford to treat them poorly if you’re a business relying on their word of mouth.
I might be wrong, but I feel like Jenn had a lot to do with this ban. It sounds to me like she was the one responsible for soliciting the review on which Epiphora made what seems to the deal breaker “hurts my eyes” post. It was a little rude, BUT it was true. I think this whole episode is due to a push from Jenn to ban Epiphora for ruining that deal. Jenn’s post on the ban thread pretty much confirms that this single post is the issue, and she just doesn’t want to admit that she made a poor choice in expanding the off-line review to that blog (which is understandable, but she should admit it was a mistake).
That be a completely wrong reading of the situation. but that’s what I got out of it.
That’s totally my theory, too.
I totally agree E may have been rude. Hell, I have been, too at times. And a warning email or something would have been called for, I’m sure but the banning.. ugh
I’m locked out now too! Hee Hee! One post about their links and it was yanked and they closed the door.
Playing with fire they are.
I’ve linked back to you on my post @ http://bdsm-sexperts.blogspot.com/2010/07/edens-fantasy-dilemma-or-why-im-through.html and I’m joining the boycott! Thanks for letting us know!
10 Trackbacks
[...] recently, several sex bloggers, sex toy reviewers and I voiced our disagreement with something. Some people understand why we feel [...]
[...] reasons given in this post, this will be my last review for Eden [...]
[...] unethical technology is a self-referential black hole. And, of course, this was my original post about why I was leaving EF, and all the shoddy and unethical stuff they’ve done in the [...]
[...] ~ Britni: Bad Move, EdenFantasys [...]
[...] ~ Britni: Bad Move, EdenFantasys [...]
[...] the wake of the EF controversy, I wanted to talk about places that I do support, and support their affiliates and [...]
[...] rank. Edenfantasys’s unethical technology is a self-referential black hole. Britni put together a blog link roundup of some other sites that are covering this story, and some more coverage [...]
[...] Bad Move, Eden Fantasys(Saturday, May 15, 2010) [...] The Mamma Nazi [...] [...]
[...] read the blogs of Epiphora, AAG, and many other sex toy reviewing bloggers, I must question whether I want to deal with an a company who treats its [...]
[...] 14. http://britisshameless.com/2010/05/bad-move-eden-fantasys/ [...]