Product Review: Clover Clamps

I’m way behind on my reviews, so you’re going to see a ton of reviews going up pretty close together. I will be trying to get actual writing in, too, so don’t fret! I’ve just got quite a few reviews to catch up on!

There are two things that you must know about the Clover Clamps right off the bat. 1) These are NOT for beginners or the faint of heart, and 2) the clamps are much larger than they appear in pictures. I mean, look at the size of them:

When I first got them, I even tweeted that they looked like chinese torture devices! Here, still don’t believe me? Look at them in comparison to the other clamps I own, my Crocodile Clamps:

Yeah, so they’re big. They’re also mean, but in the best way possible. One of my complaints about my other clamps was that they would not get tight enough. That is definitely not a problem with these. I was so shocked by how tight they were that my next tweet about that was that maybe they *were* chinese torture devices! The clamps have what appears to be rubber texturized with little raised dots to help them grip that serve as the “teeth.” They’re weighted by a chain. They way that these are designed to work is that they clamp on and then when you tug on the chain, it causes them to tighten. And tighten they do, hard and fast!

My other biggest complaint about my other clamps is that they wouldn’t stay on. I could get them to stay on the tightest setting, but could not tug on them at all. But not with the Clover Clamps! Once they latch on, they’re not letting go! These do not come off no matter how hard I tug them. I can yank, tug, pull, and twist, and these stay put, even on my tiny nipples (my nipples are so tiny that you can barely tell that I’m pulling on them in the pictures. You’ll have to trust that I am).

These have very quickly become my favorite clamps that I’ve ever tried. I think they’re great. However, they are definitely not for beginners, as they pack quite a mean bite. Which is, of course, just how I like it.

Think you’d like to get yourself a pair? Then go pick some up from Babeland!

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  1. Gray
    Posted August 11, 2009 at 9:38 pm | Permalink

    Oh my lord, I am definitely not there yet.. *laughs*

  2. Britni TheVadgeWig
    Posted August 11, 2009 at 9:41 pm | Permalink

    Haha! When I first put them on, I didn't think I was, either. I was like WHY THE FUCK DID I BUY THESE?? But once I got used to them, I *love* them now!

  3. Meg
    Posted August 11, 2009 at 10:18 pm | Permalink

    Oh hon, I'm nowhere NEAR there yet!

    I actually don't find my nipples to be my biggest erotic spot. Believe it or not, my hands are more erogenous than my nipples. Everyone is different, eh?

    (Maybe it's 'cause I'm a musician, and hands are important in what I do?)

  4. April
    Posted August 12, 2009 at 12:07 am | Permalink

    Compare this to having your nipples bitten. Is it as good or better or not quite as good? Because if it's as good then I have to have some.

  5. Kara and Jessica
    Posted August 12, 2009 at 12:34 am | Permalink

    Great Review. I had experience with these type of clamps in my submissive days and have to agree with everything you said. It took me a little while to adjust to them, but once I did I loved having them used on me. -Jessica-

  6. Britni TheVadgeWig
    Posted August 12, 2009 at 12:37 am | Permalink

    April, if you like biting (and hard biting), you could probably use these. You may have to adjust to them, but once you do, you'll probably love them.

  7. La Roo
    Posted August 12, 2009 at 10:51 am | Permalink

    I have the other ones you showed (alligator?) and I like them but they fall off pretty easy and I have medium nips. I think I would like to try these clovers. In comparison how would you describe the difference between those two. I worked up to a tolerance to the first ones and they totally do it for me, but the falling off thing. Are they namby pamby comparably?

  8. Britni TheVadgeWig
    Posted August 12, 2009 at 11:34 am | Permalink

    La Roo: There almost is no comparison. The clover clamps are much, much more intense than the alligator ones. However, if you've worked up to the alligator ones, these may be a good next step for you. You can also put them on laying down, being careful not to pull on the chain to let your nipple adjust before pulling to tighten them.

    If you like clamps, I really do love these, but if you're hesitant about how much you can handle, they may be too much for you.

    As I said, initially they were for me, but I very quickly got used to the feeling of them and really love them now.

  9. Another Suburban Mom
    Posted August 12, 2009 at 9:22 pm | Permalink

    If I just saw the second picture, I would have thought it was a goth tablecloth holder.

    I guess that means that I am beyond not ready for them.

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