I had my iPod on shuffle today and Stevie Wonder’s “Part-Time Lover” came on. I hadn’t really ever listened to the lyrics before, but they are highly appropriate to the situation I have going on with The Bruiser right now..
“We are undercover passion on the run
Chasing love up against the sun
We are strangers by day, lovers by night
Knowing its so wrong, but feeling so right
If I’m with friends and we should meet
Just pass me by, don’t even speak
Know the words discreet when part-time lovers.”
Yup. Hits the nail on the head right there.
What really sucks about this is that you're "part-time lovers" because HE wants it that way. Because HE is an asshole who is cancerous to you. Just sayin'.
You know how I like to take pictures of signs? I have one for you. I found it on Market Street in San Francisco just this morning.
It's not advice, it's not judgement. It's just a damned good sign, and I thought of you when I saw it: