Gwendomama Fund

It’s not often that my real life job and my blogging relate. Unless, of course, I choose to write about what I do, which isn’t very often. However, the wonderful Gwendomama recently became a victim of something that too many women fall victim to. I say “recently” because that is when she wrote about it. But it, of course, must have been happening for a while. She reported it, he was arrested, and then used all of their funds to bail himself out. Leaving her penniless. I wish that I could say that this was a unique incident. But I hear stories like this day in and day out. And while I’m horribly desensitized to these things and nowhere near as surprised as many people are when they hear stories like this, my outrage never lessens.

There is a campaign to help her provide for her children, and if you would like to go over there and help out, I encourage you to do so. I don’t usually push things like this on my blog, nor do I ask anyone for money. If you can’t contribute, I encourage you to at least stop by and share some words of encouragement.
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One Comment

  1. Brigit
    Posted May 15, 2009 at 4:37 pm | Permalink

    Thanks for letting us know. I did a small contribution. This is far to common and heartbreaking.

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