The New Mr. Big

There is going to be a Mr. Big vibrator. I wish I was kidding, but alas, I am not. Of course it is a rabbit vibe, modeled after Charlotte’s favorite toy.

From looking at the controls (there are close up pictures of them if you click on the link I provided), it looks like it only has two speeds, high and low, for each function (vibrating bunny ears for clitoral stimulation and rotating beads for vaginal stimulation).

Therefore, I would probably not recommend this vibe for someone who wants great variety in the speeds and functions of their toy. From my experience with toys with these kinds of controls, the high speed tends not to be very high, either, so if a woman is looking for more intense stimulation this is probably not the way to go.
On a positive note, it is made from phthalate-free rubber, so there will be no icky chemicals leaking into women’s vaginas. I just can’t believe that the show has permeated our society to the extent that there is a vibrator named after a man who not only treated Carrie like shit, but isn’t even that good looking!
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