So Much For Progress

I’m not quite sure when this clip is from, but I have stumbled across the most insensitive, offensive, ignorant, poorly researched segment that I have ever seen. It is common knowledge that pretty much all of the women on The View are morons. Sherri Shepard has proved that several times, once when stating that she wasn’t convinced that the world was round, and again when she announced that “no one came before the Christians.” Elisabeth Hasselbeck is an ignorant bitch anyway, so whatever to her. But I expected more from Whoopi and Joy, the resident liberals and logicals (yeah, I made that word up. So what?).

The women that Barbara Walters has hired to sit at her round table of “intelligent” discussion have done of tremendous job of embarrassing her here, and Barbara is such a strong woman who has worked so hard to overcome stereotypes herself. As a woman who fought to prove herself and for her rightful place in the world of TV journalism, I can’t help but think that this segment must have horrified her on principle alone.

The L Word is such a groundbreaking series, and one would hope that it is a series that opens the eyes of the general public and helps them view lesbians as people and not as one giant stereotype. However, if this segment is any indication, we have a long way to go.

Cybill Shepard and, particularly, Jennifer Beals look astonished at the ignorance being spewed at them from every direction. In fact, the only intelligent remarks made throughout the entire segment come from Beals. Cybill seems completely caught off guard for most of the interview, and when she finally gains her composure, she appears to just play along with the hosts and their stereotypical and insensitve remarks by making a comment about heterosexual men enjoying the show because seeing two women together is their ultimate fantasy (by the time she tries to backpedal by adding that the sex scenes, however, are from a female prospective instead of a male prospective (thereby making them different? I guess?, her foot is already in her mouth).

Some of the gems from this segment include:

  • Elisabeth excitedly (seriously, like a 12-year-old) asking Cybill Shepard what the biggest difference between kissing men and women was. Cybill looked completely confused and was at a loss for words.
  • This disgusting snuggle session between Sherri and Elisabeth as the introduction to the segment:

    Are you kidding me? These women are supposed to be intelligent, educated women who bring a point of view to the general public. Not insensitive, ignorant women who make a mockery of lesbianism and lesbian relationships.
  • Joy’s comment that not all lesbians are as pretty as the women on The L Word. She goes on to ask, “I mean, aren’t there any ugly lesbians?” Jennifer Beals’ amazing response was, “Not everyone has 2 hours of hair and make-up.” And honestly, its not like there are an abundance of unattractive actors on shows about heterosexual people, and not all heterosexual people are pretty either.
  • Sherri stating that there were no “UPS worker” looking lesbians on the show. JB stepped to it again when she said, “And not all straight women look like the women on Sex and the City.” I can’t even add anything to that response. That was perfection.
  • The repeated comments by the hosts concerning people who “just joined” the cast, when the actresses mentioned have already completed their second season on the show. Come on, at least have researched the damn show you are talking about.
  • Whoopi asking if “U-Hauling” was like text messaging.
  • Sherri commenting that she knows more about the show than the audience, simply because she watched one episode. Shut the fuck up Sherri. Seriously, how the hell did you get this job?
  • Elisabeth asking Cybill and Jennifer if they were surprised that heterosexual women like the show. You’re right, Elisabeth. Only gay people should like shows about gay people and only straight people should like shows about straight people. JB, again brilliantly, made a comment about how empowering female friendships are and that the show portrays women in a strong and powerful way.
After watching this, I have an entirely new love and appreciation for Jennifer Beals’ intelligence and composure. The only thing that I have left to say is that I don’t think that there is anything left to say. Just wow. How disappointing and enraging.
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One Comment

  1. twg
    Posted February 28, 2008 at 6:59 pm | Permalink

    Word to all of what you said. That's such a great show, and it's not just because it's sexy, it's because it DOES show woman's friendships and relationships, and yeah, thanks for ranting :) Is it really ranting if you're right, anyway?

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