Monthly Archives: August 2005

Angry and Aggravated

So, this is how I feel about moving: I am finishing my move tomorrow, and am SUPPOSED to have internet hooked up tomorrow as well, but we know how that goes. So, hopefully I won’t be gone for too long, but if I am, don’t fret my dears. I will be back.
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Making Out With Molls

So, as you all know, Molls came to visit me this week. We decided to collaborate on our HNT picture. Here are the two of us playing tonsil hockey. Happy HNT!
Posted in Bringing Sexy Back (NSFW), Foto, SGO, With A Little Help From My Friends | Leave a comment

I’m Your Brown-Eyed Girl

You knew there had to be a reason they call me “Brown-Eyed Girl”. I’m sure that every girl with brown eyes has been called someone’s brown-eyed girl at some point in their life. All because of that damn Van Morrison song (yeah, that one. You know the words. You know you’re humming it right now. [...]
Posted in Foto, Parental Control | Leave a comment
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