Category Archives: I Am A Material Girl


I love shoes. It really is a problem. I would spend all my money on shoes, and shoes have played a large part in helping me max out several credit cards. I really love shoes that make me a good 5 inches taller than I actually am (even though I’m not short– 5’5). Either way, [...]
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Right now I drive a black 2003 Volvo S40. It’s a nice car, don’t get me wrong, it’s just not what I would have picked out for myself. When I moved back down to Florida, it was pretty unexpected. I was bribed, and promised 1) a new car, 2) an apartment, 3) a puppy, and [...]
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I LOVE Betsey Johnson. I love everything about her design aesthetic. It’s like girly, punk rock pixies on acid. She makes me cutest, girliest, flirtiest dresses ever, and I want every single one of them. Unfortunately, they range from $250-$350 a piece and at this point in my life, I just can’t afford them. But [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 4 Comments

It’s The Little Things

1. Same-sex wedding cards. Celebrating any couple’s love for each other is a beautiful thing. 2. Essie’s new neon collection. They remind me of the 1980s and make me smile. 3. Cucumber soup. It’s served cold and is great for when it’s hot outside. Yum. 4. Mad Men. This the best, smartest, most brilliant show [...]
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It’s The Little Things, Resurrected

It’s been a while since I did one of these, so I figured I would give it a shot. It was supposed to be a weekly feature, but that didn’t work out so well. Anywho, this is my summertime edition of ITLT (my first summer not in Boston. If I was still in Boston, this [...]
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It’s The Little Things

1. Febreze NOTICEABLES: Lavender Comfort and Gentle Vanilla. Seriously yo, this shit smells ridiculous. Everytime I walk into my bedroom I am assaulted by the fantastic scent. I am obsessed. 2. My new little teddy thing from Vickie’s. I hate to say this, but I totally think that it looks better on me than Adriana [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 1 Comment

It’s The Little Things

I’m going to try to start doing a weekly feature of all the little, stupid, material (or not, whatevs) things that made me smile at some point during the week. They could be really cool and really big (as some things this week are, because it was my birthday), or really small and seemingly insignificant. [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 2 Comments
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