Dance For Your Life

These two dancers from the premiere episode of this season of So You Think You Can Dance are amazing. Truly amazing. The girl, Natalie, is fantastic, but watch the guy, Brandon. This performance gave me chills and brought me to tears. His dancing moved me so much and I literally had tears streaming down my face as I watched him dance. I was shaking.

This kind of talent blows my mind. I wish I was capable of dancing like this. But Brandon literally puts his heart on that stage and it’s truly amazing to watch. It’s such a powerful experience and he truly moved me with his dancing.

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  1. ~sublimealice~
    Posted May 22, 2009 at 7:44 pm | Permalink

    im very conflicted about this show. i'm a dance major and this is my life day in day out (if i had a nickel for every time a professor said "organic movement", i wouldn't be worried about tuition). on the one hand it's exciting that it's a) showcasing such incredible talent and
    b)bringing dance into mainstream culture. but on the other hand? these people should be in a company. the hollywoodization of it all is somewhat bothersome.
    amazing dancers though.

  2. Eve
    Posted May 23, 2009 at 3:00 am | Permalink

    I absolutely love this show! I missed the first half of yesterday's episode because I was at a pagan women's circle, but I watched it all on youtube this morning. I'm addicted!

    And I agree, those two are amazing.

  3. M.A.D.
    Posted May 23, 2009 at 7:44 pm | Permalink

    I find this bizarre.

    Dance completely leaves me cold.

    I mean, I have huge respect for the athleticism of these people and their technical ability…

    .. but I have absolutely no idea why they want to do it.

    to me, watching someone dance is like listening to ppetry in a foreign language.

    You can appreciate the technical merits of the scansion and the metre – but the meaning remains impenetrable…

  4. {{ d a n i m o }}
    Posted May 23, 2009 at 9:32 pm | Permalink

    okay, M.A.D. said exactly what i was going to. and it's weird because i'm more into the arts than most people my age and many of my friends are great artists themselves and i love to go out to support their, and others', work. but somehow dance just doesn't have that kind of effect on me.

    i think i'd appreciate it a lot more if i understood it from a technical basis. i found a new appreciation for a lot of randomly various things in studying cognitive science, and in a minimal amount of studying theatre i did as well. so i guess there's hope for me yet. :)

    but yeah, elias's mom loves to watch "dancing with the stars" and "so you think you can dance" and all that jazz so i saw this the other night. the green-faced graveyard guys were my favorite. ^_^

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