I LOVE Betsey Johnson. I love everything about her design aesthetic. It’s like girly, punk rock pixies on acid. She makes me cutest, girliest, flirtiest dresses ever, and I want every single one of them. Unfortunately, they range from $250-$350 a piece and at this point in my life, I just can’t afford them. But when I finally get a job and have some money in the bank, my first big splurge will be a Betsey Johnson dress.
Gala Darling over at iCiNG wore this to her birthday party and looked AWESOME:
Ugh. I want them all. Motivation for me to get a job that pays!
I like the first and the second one the best but they are all fucking awesomely individual and cool!
I think we should all pitch in to get you one so you can post pics here because I want to see you in it
I love all but 5 and 7.
The rest are aaaamazing though.
Yes, I'm pretty sure I want all of these. I covet. So much.
Even the unconventional hounds tooth could have its place at the right occasion.
*sigh* I'm with you. Some day.
Ms I: I would totally rock the shit out of that houndstooth