It’s The Little Things, Resurrected

It’s been a while since I did one of these, so I figured I would give it a shot. It was supposed to be a weekly feature, but that didn’t work out so well. Anywho, this is my summertime edition of ITLT (my first summer not in Boston. If I was still in Boston, this list would be a lot longer).
1. Sam Adams Cherry Wheat Beer. Okay, so it isn’t a seasonal beer (Sam Summer Ale is Sam Adams’ summer seasonal), but drinking it always reminds me of sitting on a sidewalk cafe on Newbury Street in Boston, eating a summer salad, and being happy that it is warm enough that outdoor seating is available.

2. Thunderstorms. It would not be summer in Florida without seeing those ominous clouds rolling in out of nowhere, hearing thunder so loud that it shakes your house, seeing lightning that lights up the entire sky, and then watching torrential downpour that lasts approximately 20 minutes. Every afternoon. It’s my favorite nap time, and something about thunderstorms is comforting to me.
3. The return of last summer’s fling. I dated my brother’s friend last summer for a few months, and we broke up because he was going back to school (he is two and a half years younger than me). I have been hanging out with him since the breakup, and he always makes me feel beautiful, confident, and awesome about myself. Also, he has a big penis. He leaves in two weeks. And then it is O-V-A ova (until next summer?).
4. Baseball. Oh, do i love baseball. Baseball season is my happiness. Watching games, going to games, eating hot dogs, drinking beer. All of this is perfection. There is nothing better than a baseball game on a warm summer night.

5. Sauvignon Blanc. While I drink this year round, it just seems to taste better in the summer.
6.  My summertime pin-up girl.

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One Comment

  1. Osbasso
    Posted July 27, 2008 at 12:29 am | Permalink

    A big double thumbs up on the Cherry Wheat beer and thunderstorms! We don't have anywhere near enough of either of them up here…

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