I brush my teeth too hard, intentionally drawing blood. I gag myself while brushing my tongue.
Anything to feel something. Something to feel anything.
The water in the shower is way too hot. It scalds me, turning my skin bright red. I don’t turn it down.
Anything to feel something. Something to feel anything.
I masturbate too many times. Each successive orgasm hurts worse than the last. It’s too much. I’m in tears.
Anything to feel something. Something to feel anything.
It’s cold and raining outside. I go out without a jacket or an umbrella. I’m wet, shaking, pathetic.
Anything to feel something. Something to feel anything.
I bring home a boy from the bar. I can’t remember his name. “Hit me. I said hit me. Harder. Again.”
Anything to feel something. Something to feel anything.
A bottle of wine. A bottle of vodka. Empty.
Sometimes it’s best to just feel nothing.
This is really powerful.
heavy feelings. i like.
I completely understand this feeling.