So, after deciding to go off Seasonique, I asked my gyno about other options. I inquired about an IUD, an option he had shot down a year or two ago. He was hesitant to give me one, discussed with me the risks, and gave me the pamphlets to take home on both kinds (Mirena (hormonal) and ParaGard (non-hormonal)). He then asked if I’d tried the Nuvaring. I had not, but had many friends that said great things about it. So we opted to try the Nuvaring, and if I don’t like this, then we can discuss the IUD further.
On the Sunday that I would normally start a new pack of pills, I inserted my first Nuvaring. I asked the Twitterverse for tips, and was told to pinch in at the middle and shove it in as far as I could get it. And it was easy as hell. I promptly forgot it was there.
Day 1: No noticeable side effects from the change in hormones.
Day 4: First time having sex with it in. The Bruiser couldn’t feel it at all during sex, and was able to feel it when fingering me, but only with a lot of digging.
Day 5: The Irishman was able to feel it very easily while fingering me, but not while having sex, and considering that he is well endowed, I would assume that most partners will not be able to feel it during PIV sex.
Day 7: After one week on it, I’ve noticed no side effects whatsoever, and enjoy not having to take a pill every night.
So far, I’m happy with the switch.
Yay! No side effects! Good to hear it.
I’ve never tried the Nuvaring, but I’ve had my Mirena IUD for a little over 2 years now and love it. If you’re interested in making the switch, there are definitely doctors out there who will do it, even if you haven’t given birth yet (or have any desire to, ever).
I love love love my Nuva Ring. I’ve been on it since spring 2006, so 4+ years, and love it still. Granted, I don’t use it for BC, but it’s amazing. Glad it’s working for you!
One Trackback
[...] and also was happy with the switch. Like her, I noticed a reduction in my cramps, but as it was my first month on the Nuvaring, I’m not sure if that’s related to the switch in hormones, the DivaCup, or a [...]