That’s (Not) What Friends Are For

If you think it’s okay to go home with my ex, the one you know I’m still in love with, you’re not really my friend. Especially since you aren’t friends with him, and you’d only seen him from across the bar twice, and never talked to him. So this isn’t someone that you already knew and remained friends with.

Don’t try to justify it by claiming  you didn’t think you did anything wrong, because there’s a reason you a) didn’t tell me, and b) asked a mutual friend if I’d be mad that you were even in the same bar with him. If you thought I’d be mad about being in the same bar with him (I wasn’t), how did you think I’d feel about you GOING TO HIS HOUSE AT THREE IN THE MORNING?

There’s no excuse and no justification for it. I introduced you to all my friends, brought you to all my hangouts, and was nothing but great to you. And you? Did something stupid. And while I can overlook lots of mistakes, I haven’t known you long enough to overlook this one, my other friends agree it was fucked up, and you could have come clean with me several different times. But you didn’t.

And so, good riddance. I don’t need people like you in my life.

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  1. NelfyNo Gravatar
    Posted May 20, 2010 at 5:08 am | Permalink

    What the hell?? There is a fine line, and then there are footballfields. This one certainly was in the second category. I don’t even know what to say, except for I’m sorry someone you thought was your friend turned out to be a complete a-hole.

  2. alanaNo Gravatar
    Posted May 20, 2010 at 12:37 pm | Permalink

    Yup, sounds like it’s best to cut her loose. While I don’t think this type of thing should always ruin a friendship, if you guys haven’t even been friends for that long then it’s definitely a bad sign. I only have a few friends but they’re the shit. This just reeks of someone with jealousy issues.

  3. SarahbearNo Gravatar
    Posted May 21, 2010 at 12:36 pm | Permalink

    Ouch. Yeah, she knew better. Hell, I’ve always said that if you have to question whether what you’re doing is wrong then it’s probably best to not do it.

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