Master of His Own Domain: Nexus G-Play

One day I was feeling particularly erotic and happened into the sex toy store next to this Greek food restaurant I frequent. I was looking for another prostate toy and found the Nexus G-play. It is a vibrating massager that claims to “give maximum titillation for both male and female G-spots.” Imagine my surprise to learn I had a G-spot. I wonder if I could squirt? Ha.

Despite the incorrect and misleading labeling I had read some online reviews that this toy was good on the male P-spot, or prostate. So I forked over the cash and squirreled it away in my pocket.

The G-play is a small purple silicone vibrator shaped like your typical G or P-spot toy. It requires one AAA size battery that I found to last about one hour before the vibrations diminish substantially. Inserting the toy with some water-based lubricant (be sure to only use water-based lubricant with this toy; no silicone- or oil-based lubes with silicone toys!) was nothing to write about due to the small size. Once in, the flush power button was very easy to turn on as I began to wax prolific.

The sensation was pleasant and made me involuntarily clench my ass at first. This in turn moved the toy around a bit inside, which tended to add to the sensations. I would really be interested in seeing a CAT scan of my pubic area. I want to know the exact locations of everything inside, particularly the prostate. I can feel it and know when I hit it, and know when others hit it, but the distance in, how the location changes in various positions would be of interest to me. I mention this because Nexus Gyro was too long and this toy was just too short. Somewhere between these too lies my prostate and increased orgasm intensity prostate play can provide. Evidently there are larger sizes, which I might have been able to take advantage of if I had ordered online. At 3.5 inches long the one I have is a medium according to the website. The large at 4.0 inches might of done the trick.

I did finish properly with the toy and noticed it felt pretty hot (temperature wise) when I removed it. It was probably just body heat and perhaps from the motor, nothing to be alarmed about.

The toy cleaned up easy with soap and water, or a 10% bleach solution if I desire to sterilize it. Since it is not waterproof one has to be careful and hold the toy upright under water to keep from getting the battery compartment wet.

Britni and I tried this toy together as well. I placed it in her sumptuous cunt and licked her nipples and clit a bit. We also used it while I fucked her ass. Once I was in, I placed the toy in her sopping cunt and turned it on. I could feel the vibrations through her vaginal wall and rectum. It was a pleasant sensation but not intense enough to do more than be noticed.

Brit: The vibrations were not overly strong, but having the toy inside my cunt while Profligacy was inside my ass was very pleasant. However, without the anal stimulation, the vibrations from the g-play would not have been enough to get me off on their own.

Once we finished playing we left the toy on the nightstand for the maid to find as pictured below. It stayed that way for a couple of days, actually. Later I noticed the battery was dead and I KNOW I turned it off. It really did seem the maid took an extra long time to clean the room. Perhaps this is why!

Overall the toy was enjoyable and certainly during initial insertion it was a plus. Leaving it in place for extended periods became less so. Not that it was bad but I grew accustomed to the sensation and did not notice it frankly. Every now and then when I would clench my ass I would get a little thrill but not like it was when I first turn it on.

I recommend it in your toy box due to its versatility for both sexes and because it is a handy small toy that can be carried anywhere. Testing it now with a new battery I wonder how it would be for clit stimulation externally. Maybe we will try that next time and let Britni have an ass full while I fuck her.

Want one yourself? It’s worth a spin. Extra batteries required.

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