
I wrote last night’s post about being scared during a conversation about our future, our feelings, and our fears that Master and I were having last night. During a break in the discussion, I banged that post out and after He read it, discussion continued. While I was crying, and reassuring Him that I loved Him and that I wanted to try to make this work and hoped He felt the same way, He said to me:

“I promise to love you with all of my heart.

I promise to give you all of me.

I promise to give you everything that you give me, and more.

I promise to come in your twat often.

I promise to spank you daily.

I promise to keep you chained to my bed.

I promise to bring you mac and cheese in a dog bowl so you can eat while you’re in your cage.

I promise to treat you like a worthless whore.”

I cried even harder, because those might be the most amazing things that anyone has ever said to me. Those should be our wedding vows. I’m totally sure that our families would find those words just as romantic as the two of us do, don’t you?

*Anyone that follows both Profligacy and myself on Twitter will know that He *always* spells that word wrong, and I *always* correct Him.

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  1. moresexchocolateandredlipstick
    Posted November 24, 2009 at 5:36 am | Permalink

    I would very much like to be at that wedding, if only to see the look on the faces of the unprepared!

    —Amy xxxx

  2. Aurore
    Posted November 24, 2009 at 8:39 am | Permalink

    Like Amy I'd want to be there to catch the surprise on people's face.

    As for what was said – it is beautiful and I think that you will make it together – you're both ready to make the effort.

  3. theybelongtous
    Posted November 24, 2009 at 7:54 pm | Permalink

    Love this.


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