Sperm Wars by Robin Baker is one of the most interesting and thought provoking books I’ve ever read. I read it several times, lent it to many friends, and over the course of doing so, let it out and never got it back. I’ve always meant to replace it and never got around to it. I found the full text online and it can be downloaded for free, and I was insanely excited. I’ve just downloaded it and plan on rereading it again, as it’s been a while since I’ve read the book.
I highly encourage you all to check it out. Baker takes his insights into the biology of sexual behavior, mixes in some speculation, and presents the results through 37 narrative “scenes.” “Immediately following each scene, Baker describes what occurred from the perspective of an evolutionary biologist. That is, from an evolutionary and biological view, why did each character in the scene behave the way he or she did? Why did each character’s body respond the way it did? And what are the reproductive and interpersonal implications of each?”*
As a psychology major, it’s interesting to see the psychological aspect of sex almost completely removed, and sexual behavior examined from an almost exclusively biological and evolutionary perspective. While I think that the ultimate explanation of sexual behavior is a result of a mix of both psychological and biological factors, this book offers a fascinating perspective on it. It’s a quick and easy read, as well, so reading the book doesn’t seem like a tedious task or an assignment provided by a professor.
Download, read, and enjoy!
*Description of the contents of the book quoted from this review of it.
I read this books awhile ago. While I thought it had some good points, I thought a lot of it came off as an excuse for men to cheat.
Of course I read it while I was still posting on you-know-where.
It could come across as excuses for women to cheat, as well. For me, it ended up being a testament against monogamy in general, actually, which isn't my thing to begin with.
It's worth reading again without you-know-who's opinion clouding your feelings about it. See if it changes your opinion at all.
Why is it that many of us kinky-folk were/are psych majors or in a psych field?
Either because we're the most open minded or the most fucked up.
Pick one
Thanks for the recomendation, I know have a scribd account