Hot Butches

Everyone should check out the Top 100 Hot Butches list, put together by Sinclair Sexsmith. The full name of the list is Top Hot Butches: The 100 hottest butch, masculine, androgynous, genderqueer, transmasculine, studs, AGs, dykes, queers, and transguys*, as not everyone on the list identifies as butch, or is even queer! Whatever the title, I’ll take one of each, please!

It’s really fantastic, and it celebrates a kind of beauty not often celebrated in our culture. And, well, considering that I love the butches, I love the list. Please check it out, and I can only hope that we see more people celebrating non conventional standards of beauty in the future.
EDIT: 13 transguys have been removed from the list. Check the update and comments for reasoning behind the decision.
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  1. the eternal list
    Posted June 24, 2009 at 6:35 pm | Permalink

    rachel maddow at #1

    i wholeheartedly agree!

  2. Meg
    Posted June 24, 2009 at 7:43 pm | Permalink

    My girl-crush on Rachel Maddow knows no bounds. She is kick-ass.

  3. poptrashtart
    Posted June 24, 2009 at 9:04 pm | Permalink

    check it for the update- they took down 13 transmen.

  4. Britni TheVadgeWig
    Posted June 25, 2009 at 12:39 am | Permalink


  5. Another Suburban Mom
    Posted June 25, 2009 at 5:44 am | Permalink

    I agree with Rachel Maddow. I was hoping to see my other favorite girl crush, Jorja Fox on there but alas, no such luck.

  6. champagneandbenzedrine
    Posted June 26, 2009 at 6:25 am | Permalink

    I thought his decision to remove transguys from the list was… ahem… interesting.

    I think the elephant in the living room of the queer community is how, despite claiming to be open minded and not partitioning people by their sexuality (as the vanilla community does) they're actually VERY guilty of the same thing.

    People say crap like: "You're too butch to be femme. You're not a real lesbian if you admit attraction to some men. Transguys can't be butch, even if they themselves identify themselves as such and (what Sinclair was guilty of) transguys are butch because they look butch, not because of how they feel inside." What was it Megan Fox said? "Bisexual girls who have relationships with men are dirty."


    Essin' Em, I think, explained it best resently – how a biologically female friend of hers identified as a 'he' – so he was a 'he' and that was all there was to it.

    Until the queer community stop trying to make other queer people conform to their definitions, or being judgmental about how they identify themselves, it's never REALLY going to be that much better than the straight community.

    Sorry to be so controversial, but as a straight guy with lots of queer friends, it's something I see time and time again and I think it needs to be said out loud.

  7. the monse
    Posted June 26, 2009 at 10:31 pm | Permalink

    Some AWESOME people on that list. My girlfriend will be pleased that Carrie Brownstein made it, but i don't think she's so butch. Anyway. thanks for post5ing.

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