THIS Is The Future Of Our Country

A nine-year-old little boy named Ethan McNamee has given me hope and made my heart swell with pride. He is organizing a rally for marriage equality. He lined up speakers and appealed to classmates and teachers for help, and several helped him make signs. One of the coolest things about him are his reasons for wanting to do it. It’s not because he’s gay and it’s not because his parents are gay. This is a boy who heard some children at school make antigay remarks and then learned that a same-sex couple in his neighborhood did not have the right to get married and decided that he wanted to do something about it. Major credit also goes to the child’s parents for supporting him and for not discouraging him for wanting to do this. Good for them for (presumably) explaining why antigay speech is not okay. Good for them for (presumably) teaching him about equal rights. 

And if your heart has not burst yet, this is what Ethan had to say to reporters: “Everybody is different in a good way.” And he added that if two people loved each other, that was the only issue to consider [in regards to them being able to marry one another].
Hey NOM: Here is a kid being taught to think differently, and who is trying to teach others to think differently. And he doesn’t look confused or sad or upset to me. He looks confident and determined. He is articulate. He is able to give supporting evidence for why he feels the way that he does on this issue, unlike you.

This child gives me hope for the future. He’s more intelligent, open-minded, logical, and accepting than many adults out there. His parents should be proud.

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  1. Catherine
    Posted May 18, 2009 at 9:46 pm | Permalink

    That's amazing. If he's organizing rallies at age nine, where will he be in five, ten, fifteen years? I'm so, so impressed.

  2. alana
    Posted May 18, 2009 at 9:46 pm | Permalink

    I love how people are quick to say that he’s being used while NOM has that atrocious commercial.

    I can only hope that my son will be as awesome as this kid. Actually, I can do more then hope. I can teach him love and acceptance instead of mythology and bigotry. Amazing concept…

  3. Lori D
    Posted May 18, 2009 at 10:28 pm | Permalink

    That's incredibly inspiring!

  4. Meg
    Posted May 18, 2009 at 11:04 pm | Permalink

    What an awesome kid!!

  5. Damian
    Posted May 19, 2009 at 7:50 am | Permalink

    What a guy!

    Someone should post a link to his parents so we can all tell them how well they've done.

  6. {{ d a n i m o }}
    Posted May 20, 2009 at 3:49 am | Permalink

    oh, and i also wanna tell him that organizing a rally gets easier the more you do it, but it never gets easy. it's always exhausting but almost always worth every minute of work!

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