The Best Way To Wake Up

He rolls over to spoon with me, pulling me close and kissing the back of my neck. His hands are exploring my naked flesh, still undressed from our sex the night before. His hands run up my stomach and find my breasts, which he gently cups from behind me. His morning wood is pressed against my ass, and I push back against him, lightly grinding my ass into his bulge. I slowly start to wake from my slumber. Still groggy, a small moan escapes my lips. 

He softly flips me over onto my stomach and hovers above me, kissing my back and tugging my hair sweetly before harshly shoving his fingers inside me. Shocked, my ass raises in the air slightly and I push back against his hand. Grinding against him while his fingers go to work inside me, I can feel myself getting close to that point of no return. Before I can get there, he exchanges his fingers for his cock. That’s all it takes. I lose myself in his gentle thrusts, the weight of his body on top of me, my moans stifled by the pillow in which my face is buried.
He isn’t inside me for long before I hear his breathing become shallow and rapid. My orgasm has brought him close to his own, and soon enough I hear him say, “Fuck, baby. I’m gonna come all over your pretty little ass.” They’re the first words spoken by either one of us. Before I can even gasp my desire for him to do so, I feel his warm liquid ooze onto my back and down my ass, dripping into the crack. He collapses on top of me, kisses my cheek and says, with a shit eating grin on his face, “Thanks for the nut, babe. You can go now.”
He jumps up, smacks my ass, cleans me off, and climbs right back into bed, assuming the same position that started everything. Spooning, him behind me, holding me tightly and kissing the back of my neck. We both quietly drift back to sleep, spent. Satiated. Happy.
Hey, look! I made the Sex Blog Roundup at Fleshbot! Exciting stuff, I know.
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  1. 13messages
    Posted December 6, 2008 at 10:54 am | Permalink

    Lucky dude. :)

  2. ausallblack
    Posted December 6, 2008 at 7:47 pm | Permalink

    hmm love the spooning wake up call

  3. Jason Gregory
    Posted December 8, 2008 at 10:26 pm | Permalink

    You're pretty good with words. Seriously. That just turned me on. You should consider an erotica section on your blog.

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