Like A Couple of Horny Teenagers

I had a lunch date yesterday with a guy that has been asking me out for the past 6 months. He is the one that caused The Bruiser Fight. Because he is a persistent bastard, I finally caved and agreed to go out with him. He picked me up (!) and paid for lunch (!!). I drank wine. I did not want to drink alone, but he would not order a beer unless I kissed him. And he made me give him a progressively better kiss with each new beer that he ordered. So there we sat, full on making out and getting drunk at noon in a dive bar with no windows.

On the drive home, he took back roads to avoid having to drop me off right away. And as we were driving, he suddenly pulled over to the side of the road. I asked what he was doing, and he just smiled and leaned in and kissed me. So there we sat, full on making out on the side of the road in a car at 1 PM.
And then I was straddling him in the driver’s seat. His hands were up my shirt and I could feel his hard on through his jeans. If I wasn’t on my period, he would have been able to feel my wetness through my panties since my skirt was up around my hips. I moaned into his mouth, cursing the fact that this was as far as we could go but secretly being thankful that I was on the rag because we could avoid moving too fast (moving too fast is my forte. I don’t understand the playing hard to get thing). So there we sat, full on dry humping on the side of the road in a car in the middle of the day.
Just like a couple of horny teenagers.
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  1. Jason
    Posted December 26, 2008 at 11:42 am | Permalink

    I still love to dry hump. I've never gotten off from doing it alone, but it certainly is fun to try! It’s a low-risk, high-thrills way to get to know a new partner before your clothes come off.

  2. Britni TheVadgeWig
    Posted December 26, 2008 at 11:44 am | Permalink

    If my nipples are being played with, I can totally get off from dry humping. But it's easier for a girl to get off that way than it is for a guy.

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