My replacement Hitachi cannot come soon enough. I am eagerly waiting its arrival, and after what happened last night, I am DEFINITELY in need of a new vibe.
I have now managed to break my second vibe in a little over a month. The worst part is that I don’t even know how I did it! I pulled it out from where it is normally kept, turned the knob, and NOTHING. What. the. fuck.
And then the little knob just fell off.
Fell fucking off. So, the only working vibe that I owned (that was actually capable of getting me off) has died.

Apparently I am too hard on my toys. Oh, Hitachi, where art thou? Come home to Momma, please. She needs you!

Lucky for me, all I need to do is keep a healthy hand. Good luck in your area.
Word verification for this is "rimers." One more letter m in the right place would have been hilarious.
*Strikes a William Shatner pose*
Noooooooo!!!!!!!! [Khaaaaan!]
"And then the little knob just fell off!"
ROFLLMAO — The placement and innocence of that line is perfectly funny! I think I know: It was AFO (All Fucked Out)!