Wardrobe Malfunction: Punky Brewster Pirate Hooker

One of my friends in Boston had a black and white party, and it was supposed to be cocktail-ish attire. Because I am weird and don’t do anything the way you are supposed to, I showed up in this (the host of the party described it as “Punky-Brewster-Pirate-Hooker”):

I am wearing:

  • Black and white striped long tee from Urban Outfitters
  • Black skirt that is supposed to be one half of a suit
  • White footless tights
  • Black and grey tweed round-toe pumps with ankle strap by Chinese Laundry
  • Red baseball belt
  • Roomie’s necklace
I fell on some cobblestone later in the night, causing myself to bleed through the white tights. I was quite sad. And yet another pair of shoes that got left in Boston, much to my dismay. They were awesome.
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One Comment

  1. handsomeANDslim
    Posted September 12, 2008 at 7:50 am | Permalink

    …very very wonderful blog!!!! fine!!! kixx to you http://handsomeandslim.canalblog.com/

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